Dada Mail Developers Archives


RE: Archive Threading, iFrame pref, etc

August 12th 2005 UTC

Re: [dadadev] RE: Archive Threading, iFrame pref, etc Justin, This is sort of strange, but it's working in - probably because the two apps (yours and mine) work differently.?  I'm working with MS Outlook normally, but after your message did some tests on Thunderbird and you're right, it seems to be a problem related to dadamail in combination with thunderbird threading was just fine. Alfred ...Continue Reading

RE: Archive Threading, iFrame pref, etc

August 12th 2005 UTC

Justin, First, previous,next and last are not thread related and can be done by messagenumber I guess. Within a thread probably a sort on subject and then on date... But like I said ,archives is not a priority for me and my users. They would prefer to see the messages grouped by thread correctly in their mailreader first. Anyway, keep up the good work, I know you must be swamped even without us bringing some more on the scene. Alfred ...Continue Reading

RE: Archive Threading, iFrame pref, etc

August 12th 2005 UTC

<<first� � � � � <prev � � � � � index � � � � � � next>� � � last >>anyone have a problem of me correcting this to the wayit probably should be - as Alfred points out?Nope, go for it! (...& thanks, A.!)Ok, this should be all set - I figured what the bug was, the pref/next *were* correct - as long as you had archiving on Chronological order - first message in the archive is the oldest. But Dada Mail has been shipPING with reverse chrono order for a long long time - the prev/next were never changed ...Continue Reading

RE: Archive Threading, iFrame pref, etc

August 12th 2005 UTC

With dadamail discussion lists, all replies end up in a seperate thread from the original message:<thread2.png>Not a matter of life or death, but still............This is sort of strange, but it's working in - probably because the two apps (yours and mine) work differently.�*sigh* This stuff gets so complicated, so quickly;� Justin Simoni --� ::�is an eccentric artist, living and working in Denver, Colorado ::�URL:� ::�PHO: 720.436.7701::�Mailing List -� ...Continue Reading

RE: Archive Threading, iFrame pref, etc

August 12th 2005 UTC

> > < last >> > anyone have a problem of me correcting this to the way > it probably should be - as Alfred points out? Nope, go for it! (...& thanks, A.!) > I haven't figured out the trick to on how to find the > next threaded message, if you're on a previous message of the thread. I have an idea here but, per the roadmap, I'll keep it in-pocket until 2.10 is out. You have enough distractions already. :-P ...Continue Reading

RE: Archive Threading, iFrame pref, etc

August 11th 2005 UTC

> < last >> > > In all programs I know the left buttons is backwards and right is > forward.... Understand, Let's see, in Dada Mail, the left/right buttons are backwards - you're right - anyone have a problem of me correcting this to the way it probably should be - as Alfred point out? > Normally, a message and all its replies end up in the same thread: > > [...] > > > With dadamail discussion lists, all replies end up in a seperate > thread from the original me ...Continue Reading

Re: Templates

August 11th 2005 UTC

Yeah I did, in the source the end of the messagelooks like this: [snip] Alfred =20 =20 =09=09=09 [/snip] Which is a gobbled mess. There's your name on the same line as the and tags - we had a fix to apply the template correctly, regardless of where those tags were - but there's all this: =20 =20 =09=09=09 This is quoted-printable text, from your original message, before it got to Dada Mail. So basically, Dada Mail isn't correctly decoding the message once it gets it, adding it's own stuff and it's making ...Continue Reading


August 11th 2005 UTC

Justin, Did you notice at the end of my previous message about threading, my name appearing AFTER the list links... The template apparently still isn't applied correctly. Alfred ...Continue Reading

RE: Archive Threading, iFrame pref, etc

August 11th 2005 UTC

Justin,> So, at least you can follow a thread backwards :)An improvement. I still would prefer to see the 'standard'<<first          <prev           index             next>      last >> In all programs I know the left buttons is backwards and right is forward....Basically with threading I mean how d ...Continue Reading


August 10th 2005 UTC

Sorry for the noise - I'm working on the decoding of encoded messages - Shane brought to my attention that may mail reader likes ot wrap and break long URLS - I'm seeing if Dada Mail does the same: 20050731184504/thisIsReallyLongthisIsReallyLongthisIsReallyLong 20050731184504/thisIsReallyLongthisIsReallyLong/ Cheers, Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
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