August 16th 2005 PST
2.10 alpha 1 feedback *Verzonden:* dinsdag 16 augustus 2005 13:35 so menu thanks I hadn't noticed I was writting this during lunchtime until I read it again ;-) Makes you wonder...... Alfred Post: mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED Unsubscribe:[list]/ List Information:[list] Archive:[list] ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2005 PST
Justin,> Can you extrapolate on what you'd rather see? Shane was> bouncing off ideas to me and I was fairly nonplused on what> exactly he should do except, "keep it the way it was!" -> which isn't helping anyone.I know it all seems like nit-picking, but personally I really feel that attention to detail makes a program like this stand out and look professional, so in stead of: I prefer: There are more examples throughout the screens that input fields and boxes are not equally al ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2005 PST
Alfred, Your correct on the lack of clarity on the new "View List" and friends screen. I'll get to work on something that's a little more user-friendly. > 2) When I see boxes aligned like this: > > > > > I get really itchy......... Can you extrapolate on what you'd rather see? Shane was bouncing off ideas to me and I was fairly nonplused on what exactly he should do except, "keep it the way it was!" - which isn't helping anyone. > But I also discovered a host of ne ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2005 PST
> Three! Three! Three! Bug Fixes In One! > (that I forgot to take care of before the alpha release. Duh.) Woo neat. That's OK, I didn't tell anyone, I just thought Monday would be a good time. Again Shane, your attention to detail is astounding. Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2005 PST
> Version info on the screens read 2.9.10 alpha 1 Doh! I'll get that fixed for the next release, until then, let the confusion begin! Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2005 PST
Gents, Version info on the screens read 2.9.10 alpha 1 Alfred ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2005 PST
Three! Three! Three! Bug Fixes In One! (that I forgot to take care of before the alpha release. Duh.) Here's a screenshot from the advanced "Send a List Message" screen of version 2.10 alpha 1, as rendered by Internet Explorer 6 (Windows), with the browser's text size set to medium: There were three separate problems here. Each has now been fixed in the post-alpha-release files on the CVS: (1) The expanding font size was an IE-specific CSS inheritance bug. Revision 1.36 of default_css.css squas ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2005 PST
Justin, Shane,Install went like a breeze, like always, so far no functional discrepancies, but it's early days ;-)There are some cosmetic things I noticed.Like I said before, these are no life-threatening matters, but somehow they always seem to attract my attention.... 1) When choosing Black Listed or Moderators in the Subscribers/View screen I get the message:"No one is subscribed to your list at the moment."That is not entirely true, I do have subscribers to the list, however, I haven't blacklisted ...Continue Reading
August 16th 2005 PST
Need some feedback: Cheers, Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
August 14th 2005 PST
Here a few minor questions/concerns about Dada Mail's default layout and function. (1) ...Let's start with the most important: On the "Send a List Message" screen, the default message subject is: "list name Message" (without the quotation marks). And because this is set in mail.cgi, it's difficult for most admins to customize. My question is, would most people prefer something different as a default? Personally, I always change mine to: "[list nam ...Continue Reading
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