February 24th 2024 PDT
On Feb 20, 2024, at 11:42 AM, Mourino richard.mourino@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote: From: richard.mourino@PROTECTED When an email has an attachment that exceeds the max limit size can an email be sent to mailer that that have exceeded the max limit and state how large the email was so they can correct their mistake. For messages sent through Bridge, there are two limits: the soft, and hard max limits. If the message is more than the soft, but less than the hard, that type of email you sugge ...Continue Reading
February 20th 2024 PDT
When an email has an attachment that exceeds the max limit size can an email be sent to mailer that that have exceeded the max limit and state how large the email was so they can correct their mistake.Thanks Richard Mourino ...Continue Reading
January 26th 2024 PDT
Howdy everyone. Gmaill and Yahoo! are paying very close attention to SPF, DKIM, DMARC records and it’s worth to test your mailing lists to make sure you’re sending out messages with the correctly compliance. I wrote a bit on how to get you started here: SPF, DKIM, DMARC: Are You All Set With the New Email Sending Requirements?blog.dadamailproject.com -- Justin J: Lead Dadaisturl: dadamailproject.comemail: justin@PROTECTEDtwitter: @dadamailDada Mail Annou ...Continue Reading
September 19th 2023 PDT
Prompt reply very much appreciated Justin … and of course I find I must have been unfortunate with the timing of my download ☹ All seems good now, thank you. Doug *From:* dadadev@PROTECTED <dadadev@PROTECTED> *Sent:* 19 September 2023 20:00*To:* Dada Mail Developers Subscriber <douglevey@PROTECTED>*Subject:* Re: [dadadev] V11.22.0 install issue From: justin@PROTECTED Doug, there was a corrupted download of Pro Dada v11.22.0 that I reuploaded late last afternoon. If you downloa ...Continue Reading
September 19th 2023 PDT
Doug, there was a corrupted download of Pro Dada v11.22.0 that I reuploaded late last afternoon. If you downloaded it sometime yesterday, maybe just start from scratch and redownload the distribution. If you want to double check the sha256 checksums are something I release - it’s how I verified the reuploaded distro was then not corrupted. The Dada Mail distro that’s downloaded from sourceforge looks ok, -- Justin J: Lead Dadaisturl: dadamailproject.comemail: ...Continue Reading
September 19th 2023 PDT
Hi Justin, Apologies if this is tiresome, but I cannot find any info in the support doc or this forum – hence my question. I have had several successfully running lists for some while now. Earlier this year I migrated them to a different hosting company (20i). The overall experience has been great, but I have had one or two clunks with mailing list messages. So I decided that I should upgrade and downloaded 11.22.0 and uncompress script. Firstly, running the script in the browser would fail until rem ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2023 PDT
Hi everyone - if you’re sending using a local mail server on a shared host, make sure your mail server isn’t blocked: https://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx For the past weeks, many, many clients are telling me they cannot send messages out, and this is why. If you haven’t considered it already, move to a third party email mail server like Amazon SES/Mailgun/etc. I’ll be releasing a version of Dada Mail with Mailgun API support baked in to make options a bit easier. Work on that is being done here: https://github.com/j ...Continue Reading
August 8th 2023 PDT
Howdy Everyone, v11.21.0 has been released! Download and install: https://dadamailproject.com/d/install_dada_mail.pod.html Github Releaase Page: https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/releases/tag/v11_22_0_stable_2023-08-07 Changelog (and below): https://dadamailproject.com/d/changes_11_x.pod.html#pod11.21.0 11.21.0 This version of Dada Mail is a feature release, with a few bug fixes. Features Message Archive Search Search for message archives has been added to the admin view of the archives in the list control panel ...Continue Reading
August 3rd 2023 PDT
Just a small update on this, I’ve also added pagination and search to the archives when you view them through the list control panel too, which is super nice, I’m going to finish this up and release. I’d like to work on editing archive messages too. Right now, the archive editor is not what I’d like to see, so I might trash that all and just have editing an archive message happen in a screen that looks just like the message you use to create/edit a draft message. -- Justin J: Lead Dadaist url: dadamailproject.com e ...Continue Reading
July 29th 2023 PDT
I’m working on adding pagination to archive search results. Seems like a weird oversight and perhaps just a UI thing, but if you have a busy lists with lots of archives, one search query for something simple can essentially return every archived message ever sent and bring your server to its knees. Not good. I’ve also added pagination to the usual archive index pages, which seemed like another nice feature for the UI and a weird oversight. Work is currently being done here: https://github.com/justingit/da ...Continue Reading
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