June 26th 2021 PST
In the tracker there is a pulldown option to have a profile field filled in when a newsletter is opened.Could you add to this pulldown Current date .It would tell me when a member opens up the newsletter.Thank you Richard Mourino ...Continue Reading
June 22nd 2021 PST
June 22nd 2021 PST
Vào Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 6, 2021, Luc Huynh <l0823516564@PROTECTED> đã viết:Vào Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 6, 2021, Luc Huynh l0823516564@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> đã viết:__ From: l0823516564@PROTECTED Vào 8:06, Th 3, 22 thg 6, 2021 Justin John justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> đã viết:__ From: justin@PROTECTED Changes have been made: https://github.com/justingi ...Continue Reading
June 22nd 2021 PST
Vào Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 6, 2021, Luc Huynh l0823516564@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> đã viết:__ From: l0823516564@PROTECTED Vào 8:06, Th 3, 22 thg 6, 2021 Justin John justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> đã viết:__ From: justin@PROTECTED Changes have been made: https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/commit/68e52d051445f5e4bb16c132c60ee28195199e82Most likely be in v11.14.2.- double-chec ...Continue Reading
June 22nd 2021 PST
Vào 8:06, Th 3, 22 thg 6, 2021 Justin John justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> đã viết:__ From: justin@PROTECTED Changes have been made: https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/commit/68e52d051445f5e4bb16c132c60ee28195199e82Most likely be in v11.14.2.- double-check the changelog when it comes out, -- Justin J: *Lead Dadaist*url: dadamailproject.comemail: justin@PROTECTEDtwitter: @dadamailDada Mail Announcements: http://dadamailproj ...Continue Reading
June 22nd 2021 PST
Changes have been made: https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/commit/68e52d051445f5e4bb16c132c60ee28195199e82Most likely be in v11.14.2.- double-check the changelog when it comes out, -- Justin J: Lead Dadaist*url: dadamailproject.comemail: justin@PROTECTEDtwitter: @dadamailDada Mail Announcements: http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/dada_announce/ On Jun 21, 2021, at 9:43 AM, Chris Holt chris.holt@PROTECTED [Dada Mai ...Continue Reading
June 21st 2021 PST
Thank you, Justin. I should mention that permission is denied for/usr/bin/ping within the jail shell on my shared host. However, it looks like Net::Ping in mode 'tcp', which I believe you use for testing the SMTP connection, doesn't use ping per se so may well be an option. Thanks again Chris On 21/06/2021 03:28, Justin John justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] wrote: From: justin@PROTECTED Hmm - in the SMTP connection/mail test, I ping the server before trying to connect ...Continue Reading
June 21st 2021 PST
Hmm - in the SMTP connection/mail test, I ping the server before trying to connect to it to send a message - we could do something similar for POP3 and IMAP connections. I’ll add that as a feature request: https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/1029 -- Justin J: Lead Dadaist*url: dadamailproject.comemail: justin@PROTECTEDtwitter: @dadamailDada Mail Announcements: http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/dada_announce/ On J ...Continue Reading
June 18th 2021 PST
Hello again A short epilogue in case something similar happens to others. I went ahead and added setting the SSL_version to explicity include TLS 1.2 but it made no difference. I tried setting NET_POP3 => 1 in the config CPAN_DEBUG_SETTINGS but the debug messages only started turning up in the error log after the problem had been cured. What did help was trying to telnet to the mail server from the 'jailed shell' I have access to on the server where Dada Mail is installed. This showed that, while the port to the SMTP ...Continue Reading
June 12th 2021 PST
Hello Justin and developers My list has been running reliably since November 2019, with an update to 11.11.2 in September. However, the list has not sent out any messages since 21st May (apart from a message to me on 25th May saying a non-subscriber had tried to post). The shared host error_log file has messages every five minutes that include "AH01220: Timeout waiting for output from CGI script/home/very_long_path/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi" and "Script timed out before returning headers: mail.cgi". My a ...Continue Reading
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