June 30th 2023 PST
Osu, Please note that I will be away from the dojo from June 26th to the July 17th inclusive. I will have limited email and no phone availability. During this time there are no free trial classes. Feel free to reach out to me, however there will be a minimum delay of 12-24 hours. If possible, please wait for my return for trial classes or joining the dojo. Sorry for any inconvenience. Alan Sensei ...Continue Reading
June 30th 2023 PST
Howdy everyone, I’m working on v11.12.2 of Dada Mail right now - it’ll be a bug release with some welcome changes. Just a kindly reminder that if you have any issues that you would like to have looked at, add them to the issue tracker, https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/issues The more information about the issue the better, including how to easily recreate it, Cheers, -- Justin J: Lead Dadaist url: dadamailproject.com email: justin@PROTECTED twitter: @dadamail Dada Mail Announcements:https://dadamailproject.com ...Continue Reading
May 18th 2023 PST
Try HostM.com. Unbelievable value for shared hosting. CPanel based.Bruce On May 18, 2023 3:37:09 PM "Kelly Ling - Comcast ladysham@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers]" <dadadev@PROTECTED> wrote: From: ladysham@PROTECTED I used to have my own server and ran dadamail on one of my sites. I have recently had to downgrade and get ride of my dedicated server.Since then, I have not been able to run my dadamail list and I'm looking for an inexpensive solution. I have members that are asking w ...Continue Reading
May 18th 2023 PST
I used to have my own server and ran dadamail on one of my sites. I have recently had to downgrade and get ride of my dedicated server.Since then, I have not been able to run my dadamail list and I'm looking for an inexpensive solution. I have members that are asking when my daily emails will be back. My list is less than 2000 members and I used to send a daily email, six days a week. I'm willing to change it to 2x a week, but need a good hosting solution for it. Please send me your recommendations! :-) -- Warm Regards, ...Continue Reading
May 12th 2023 PST
On May 11, 2023, at 12:39 PM, Gene Steinberg gene@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote:. Hopefully you’ll be able to consider something for a future version of your script that does not require hoop jumping to make work. Can’t say I didn’t warn you. -- Justin J: Lead Dadaist url: dadamailproject.com email: justin@PROTECTED twitter: @dadamail Dada Mail Announcements:https://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/dada_announce/ On May 11, 2023, at 12:39 PM, Gene Steinberg gene@PROTECTED [D ...Continue Reading
May 11th 2023 PST
Well I gave it a good whirl.Hopefully you’ll be able to consider something for a future version of your script that does not require hoop jumping to make work.Peace,GeneOn May 11, 2023, at 10:56 AM, Justin John justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> wrote: From: justin@PROTECTEDOn May 11, 2023, at 11:17 AM, Gene Steinberg gene@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote:From: gene@PROTECTEDAnd the spam module is clearly not installed.When I tried ...Continue Reading
May 11th 2023 PST
On May 11, 2023, at 11:17 AM, Gene Steinberg gene@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote: From: gene@PROTECTED And the spam module is clearly not installed. When I tried I got the following, and the suggestions to upgrade cpan failed: Looks like at this point it’s a problem with this module and it’s prereqs in your environment specifically, and not directly to do with Dada Mail. One of the reasons there are optional modules in Dada Mail is that some of the prereqs to get them up and running involve ...Continue Reading
May 11th 2023 PST
On May 11, 2023, at 9:19 AM, Gene Steinberg gene@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] dadadev@PROTECTED wrote: But after a new/update install of DadaMail on the Plesk server (running AlmaLinux 8.7), the Plesk Backup shows these permissions errors: Well, if you look at those directories, their permissions are changed to not be readable. If Plesk’s backup is too dumb to figure out how to deal with that , I guess that’s a problem with that utility. But if it can’t backup something already backed up, I’m guessing in most cas ...Continue Reading
May 11th 2023 PST
And the spam module is clearly not installed.When I tried I got the following, and the suggestions to upgrade cpan failed:Run the 'plesk login' command and log in by browsing either of the links received in the output.Use the 'plesk' command to manage the server. Run 'plesk help' for more info.[root@server ~]# perl -e 'use WWW::StopForumSpam'Can't locate WWW/StopForumSpam.pm in @INC (you may need to install the WWW::StopForumSpam module) (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vend ...Continue Reading
May 11th 2023 PST
I’m still looking into this issue.Meantime this is something that’s happened for a while, but I always work out of it by updating preferences of the files.But after a new/update install of DadaMail on the Plesk server (running AlmaLinux 8.7), the Plesk Backup shows these permissions errors:Warning: Subscription "theparacast.com"Not all the data from /var/www/vhosts/theparacast.com was backed up successfully: public_html/dada_mail_support_files/RichFilemanager-backup-2023-05-09-1683695380/.gitigno ...Continue Reading
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