
v7.x Changelog

Dada Mail Changelog for v7.x


Features 7.4.0

Digest Messages

Digest Messages are messages that are created by taking the content of many messages sent in a timespan, and putting them into a single message to then send out. See the feature overview of Digests here:


Subscribers can now have the option of having individual messages delivered, having a digest message delivered on a scheduled, or having messages that would have been delivered to them held from being delivered.

Digest Messages that are sent out (Subject, PlainText version and HTML version) can be fully customized.

Way back in the day, Dada Mail had Digest support - it totally stunk. This new support totally doesn't. We're really happy to finally roll out a replacement that we're proud of.


With Schedules, any draft message you create can now be scheduled to be sent at a later time right from within the Send a Message, or Send a Webpage screens.

To create a new Schedule, first go to the Send a Message, or Send a Webpage screen. Write your message! Then, click the, "Schedule..." button. Tick, "Activate" and set the time in the future you would like your message to go out. Click, "Create Schedule" and you're done!

Once a message has been scheduled, you may edit the message (and even reuse the schedule, if you would like!). In the list control panel, Go to: Mass Mailing - Drafts/Stationery/Schedules. Click the Schedules tab to view all your schedules.

Important: make sure the Mailing Monitor's cronjob is also set up. (It should already be to make sure mass mailings go smoothly.)

Dada Mail has had support for scheduled mailings since the inception of the Beatitude Plugin. This plugin has been marked as Deprecated, and we've taken one giant step in integrating scheduling of mass mailings into the core of Dada Mail with this release. We'll still ship with the Beatitude plugin, but (fair warning!) it's days are numbered. We'd like to integrate some more of its advanced features (recurring schedules), before we totally abandon ship on the plugin.


Changes 7.3.1

Web Services API missing from List Control Panel

The fancy new Web Services API support:


Although a part of Dada Mail, didn't have the control panel screen available, to actually use, this release fixes that little problem.


Features 7.3.0

Experimental Web Services API

Here's the full docs on our new Experimental Web Services API:


In a nutshell, these new webservices give you administrative power to validate and subscribe addresses, unsubscribe addresses get and set list settings and send out mass mailings from another application easily and securely.

Amazon SES: Abuse Reports Handled Automatically

Dada Mail has had support for submitting and logging abuse complaints, but up to now, it's something the subscriber would have to do manually.

If you're using Amazon SES for sending, abuse complaints received through this service will be sent to Dada Mail as a bounced message. Dada Mail is now able to read this complaint reports correctly, and automatically log the complaint. (Before, these complaints were simply ignored - yikes!)

When a complaint is received to the Bounce Handler as a bounce message, Bounce Handler will log it and this complaint will be viewable from within the Tracker plugin's message reports. An email will also be sent to the List Owner, giving details about the complaint and allowing the List Owner to easily remove the Subscriber's email address from the mailing list, by simply clicking a link.

To take full advantage of all this, you will need to be sending with Amazon SE and have both the Bounce Handler and Tracker plugins installed.

Dealing with complaints is important, especially when using a third party email service provider, like Amazon SES. We hope this enhancement will help make running a mailing list with Amazon SES a little smoother sailing.

Amazon SES: Warnings about Unverified Senders

Here's an overview on using Dada Mail with Amazon SES:


If you're using Amazon SES with Dada Mail, you know that you need to verify the List Owner and List Administror of your mailing list, or your messages won't be sent out, properly. This is sometimes an easy thing to forget to do. If you do forget to this, whole mass mailings can fail.

Dada Mail now does a much better job alerting the List Owner about such problems, showing warnings about such misconfigurations in the list control panel, as well as given them an easy way to verify these addresses.

Rich Text Editor Upgrades

The Rich Text Editor upgrades make sure Dada Mail is running the latest versions of these third-party add-ons, with the latest features, bugfixes and resolved security issues.

File Browser/Uploader Upgrades

The File Browser/Uploader upgrades make sure Dada Mail is running the latest versions of these third-party add-ons, with the latest features, bugfixes and resolved security issues.

Installer: Support for Secure Program URL

CAPTCHA support for List Password Reset

Many users have told us that the List Password reset form is being used to send List Owner's an email message to reset the List Password. Although useful for the List Owner, it's not so useful is someone or something happens to use the form.

Now, a CAPTCHA is in place, to help stop automated bots from submitting the form.

Changes 7.3.0

Bridge: On Behalf Of (p.p. mode)

Bridge's default From: header phrase is now vastly simplified, and no header comment is added anymore.

The From: header is now set to the List Email, rather than the List Owner

The List Owner's address will also undergo the header rewriting (before it did not).

Update Geo IP Databases

Dada Mail uses Geo IP databases to bring you wonderful maps, plotting the data culled by the Tracker plugin. This release has updated Dada Mail's included databases to the most up to date version.

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.

Bugfixes 7.3.0

Advanced Search and Partial Sending shows incorrect results with non-Latin characters


CGI.pm (version 4.04) latest



Changes 7.2.1

Membership - View - (individual address) - Profile

We've changed the wording on the button to Update the Profile from, Edit Information to, Update Information (per request)

Bugfixes 7.2.1

Message Archives - View Archive



Features 7.2.0

Set Program Name in Installer

The Installer now has the option to set an alternative name for the app!

Experiemental Mandril Support for Automatic Batch Settings

Much like Amazon SES, Mandril has a hourly quota that can dynamically change.

Dada Mail now has support to use Mandril's web server to retrieve the hourly quota you're given.

The Dada Mail Installer now allows you to specific the API Key for your Mandril account.

You can then use Mandrill's SMTP service to send messages, using Dada Mail. Once SMTP is set up, the option to automaticaly adjust your batch settings to match your quota in Mandrill will appear in the Mail Sending - Mass Mailing Options screen.


Bugfixes 7.1.1

Send: Invitation broken in v7.1.0



Summary 7.1.0

Features 7.1.0


Draft Messages were introduced in Dada Mail recently, allowing one to save an unfinished message to be sent at a later time. Many users also wanted the ability to have a message design they could use to start additional messages, and be kept around, until it was no longer needed (a draft would be removed, once the message was sent out).

Similar to Message Drafts, Dada Mail now supports Stationery. Stationery are messages you can use as a starter for mailing list messages you would like to send out. Unlike a draft message, Stationery will be saved to be reused for as many times as you'd like.

Tracker: Update Profiles w/Geo IP information

There's now an option to update a subscriber's profile fields w/information gathered using the IP address of an open/clickthrough. Any profile field may be updated, and the following information can be recorded:

This information can then be used to search your Subscribers and send a partial message out.

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com/

Bugfixes 7.1.0

Bridge: POP3 Test ignores "Use SSL" Pref


Deprecation Notice


The default_mass_mailing_messages.cgi plugin has similar features to the Stationery feature. As such, the plugin will be deprecated in a future version of Dada Mail, but not before the v7.2.0 release.


Summary 7.0.5

This bugfix release focuses on a few different parts of Dada Mail, to make thingks work soother:

Also the bugs fixed below:

Bugfixes 7.0.5

Partial list sending settings not saving in Scheduled Mailer


On Behalf Of (p.p. Mode) can corrupt MIME Words-encoded header phrases.



Summary 7.0.4

Bugfixes 7.0.4

Backdating archived messages in Send a Message screen does not create a valid date, when archive is saved


"On behalf of" template placeholder not properly sanitised in bridge config page



Summary 7.0.4

This is primarily a bugfix release, and in particular, bugs found when using Amazon SES for mail sending. The option, Automatically set batching speeds based on your Amazon SES limits was causing problems, as the speed it was setting was too high. This is because the SES service does not report back the exact amount of messages sent in a 24 hour period (as it actually should), resulting in Dada Mail making its batch setting speeds using incorrect data.

We've reverted Dada Mail's auto-batch sending speeds to use the original, more conservative method, and have had great results in our tests of getting this issue to resolve.

Because of that, anyone that's using Dada Mail v7.0.0 or higher and Amazon SES should most definetly upgrade to this new release. If there are any additional problems, please report them!

Bugfixes 7.0.4

Amazon SES: " Automatically set batching speeds based on your Amazon SES limits " causing mass mailing problems



Summary 7.0.3

This is primarily a bugfix release, although some of issues fixed are fairly important things, if you are utilizing Profile Fields.

Some work was also done relating to sending with Amazon SES, mostly to provide additional feedback about mail sending, as well as retiring unneeded code. Thanks to github user, Yunheng for the code contributions!

Work has also been done with mass mailing, both to provide additional feedback when setting up debugging traces, as well as simplifying some of the file locking done during a mass mailing. We hope things will flow smoother for people who have had problems with mass mailing in Dada Mail - we're suspecting some stale file locking issues, which we've tried to address.

Profile Fields cannot be edited in the List Control Panel Under, Membership >> View >> (subscriber's email address)


Profile Field Information not saved when user Requests a Subscription



Summary 7.0.2

This is primarily a bugfix release, although, we've have added a few new Advanced Installation Configuration Options, available to your via The Dada Mail Installer. Here's information on the Advanced Installation Configuration Options available:



We've also enabled, On Behalf Of (p.p. Mode) for discussion lists by default, as it seems to be the way to go with things, considering the Yahoo/DMARC Fiasco. On Behalf Of (p.p. Mode) made its debut in v6.8.0 of Dada Mail.

Finally, we've added some new Bounce Handler rules to handle some of the more usual bounces causes by hitting the DMARC issue.

Bugfixes 7.0.2

Verify screen of Membership » Remove doesn't correctly show email addresses to remove


Subscription Requests with Required Profile Fields always cause, "Missing Profile Field" Errors



Summary 7.0.1

This is primarily a bugfix release - no new features are present in this release, when compared to v7.0.0. The bugs found and resolved are relatively small, and do not include anything related to security or data loss/corruption. Still, we suggest the upgrade to anyone running v7.0.0

Bugfixes 7.0.1

Subscribers that have tried to subscribe themselves, and then later are imported in the list control panel, may not show up in the verification stage


semicolons used to separate paramaters in query strings sometimes causes problems


Just "Updating" profile fields of addresses without any new Subscribers will not work.


Default subjects not coming up in Send a Message or Send a URL screens




Private Mailing Lists

Private Mailing Lists allow you to run a mailing list for a closed off group of participants.

Previous versions of Dada Mail were specifically designed to run Public Mailing Lists: mailing lists where anyone can subscribe to using the mailing list's subscription form, and most definitely everyone can remove themselves (unsubscribe).

For public mailing lists and marketing purposes, this works just great, but many users want to work with the app for a different purpose: utilizing Dada Mail's mailing list organizational and mass mailing features for a private mailing list of contacts: a group of colleagues, or an internal company mailing list.

Since this wasn't a role that Dada Mail was designed for, it hasn't fared very well, as List Owners became frustrated, having to constantly deal with list members removing themselves (often by accident). The tools to run a private mailing list just weren't there and solutions to this problem felt very hacky.

Dada Mail now has support for Private Mailing Lists. A private mailing list is a mailing list used in a closed, internal setting; not for a mailing list used publically for marketing purposes.

When a mailing list's mode is set to, Private, unsubscription links are not required (as they are in a public mailing list), but any unsubscription links found in a mass mailing message will be turned into a link to Request Removal. This request will be sent to the List Owner, who will have the final say on who is removed from the mailing list.

All other options for a mailing list are still available for a Private List, allowing you to tailor your mailing list to exactly what you need.

More information about Private and Public Mailing Lists:


Abuse Reporting

Abuse Reporting let's you know if there's problems happening on your mailing list.

Dada Mail now has the ability to allow users to report abuse on your mailing list. These abuse reports will be emailed to the List Owner, logged, and reported through the Tracker plugin.

Subscriber Subscription Date saved as a Timestamp

Subscriber information now includes the Date of Subscription in a the Timestamp column.

Default order for Membership >> View Screen, Show/Hide Timestamp Column

New options in the, Membership - View screen in the list control panel allow you to set which column to sort subscribers by default, as well as if the Subscription Date/timestamp column should be shown.

Advanced Search/Partial Sending List Options

The View List screen in Dada Mail's list control panel already has a simple search to find what you're looking for withing your various mailing list members.

This search is simple to use, but sometimes you really need to drill down to specifically what you're looking for.

This release of Dada Mail includes an Advanced Search, allowing you to search more specifically for exactly what you're looking for. You may now search by email address, any profile field independently, as well as between subscription date ranges.

Partial sending works the same way and the ability to send to members who have been subscribed between a range of two dates is also available.

Once you've done an advanced search on your subscribers, you now have the ability to update any of the Profile Fields of your search results, en mass.

Support for Required Profile Fields

Profile Fields can now be marked as, Required. Form field validation is done on the subscription form, both client and server side. The JSON web service API also supports required Profile Fields.

More Powerful List Control Panel Address Importing, Mass Updating

The List Control Panel Add/Subscribe/Invite screen now comes with a ton of new, and useful options and utilities:

Preserve or Update Profile Field Data

In previous versions of Dada Mail, any Profile Field data you try to import could potentially be discarded, if the address you're importing already has profile field data saved. This is because profile field data is shared between mailing lists, and importing a subscriber into a mailing list, may inadvertantly wipe out already saved information you wanted to keep.

Dada Mail now has the option to either preserve any already-existing profile field data, or update this data that already exists. This choice on what to do can be made during the Verification step.

Profile Field Data Validation

Since Profile fields can now be required, Dada Mail also checks for any required Profile Fields and will present you with the addresses that are missing these Profile Fields, in the verification step. An option also exists subscribe addresses that are missing the required Profile Fields.

Dada Mail now has the option to allow you to mass update the Profile Fields data of subscribers who are already subscribed, stopping you from needing to fully remove subscribers, just to reimport them.

Profiles and Profile Passwords

Along with Profile Fields, Dada Mail can now allow you to set a Profile Password when importing subscribers. This Profile Password allows your user to log into their own Profile, and make changes to their mailing list subscriptions. Profiles are only made if a Profile Password is created.

Changes 7.0.0

See the entire v6.x to v7.x doc:


Dada Mail Project


