August 11th 2005 PST
Justin,> So, at least you can follow a thread backwards :)An improvement. I still would prefer to see the 'standard'<<first <prev index next> last >> In all programs I know the left buttons is backwards and right is forward....Basically with threading I mean how d ...Continue Reading
August 10th 2005 PST
Sorry for the noise - I'm working on the decoding of encoded messages - Shane brought to my attention that may mail reader likes ot wrap and break long URLS - I'm seeing if Dada Mail does the same: 20050731184504/thisIsReallyLongthisIsReallyLongthisIsReallyLong 20050731184504/thisIsReallyLongthisIsReallyLong/ Cheers, Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
August 10th 2005 PST
Hey Alfred, I know this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but you got me curious, so I hacked in support in the archives to link to the previous message, you can see an example at: 20050810022002 So, at least you can follow a thread backwards :) I know the usability of the archives for discussion-type stuff is somewhat lacking, but it's moving along, a little faster than glacial - Also, I set a pref in the adv archives to switch between ...Continue Reading
August 10th 2005 PST
Probably in 2.11 - since I want 2.10 out yesterday :) I sort of have to figure out how that works and then make it work fast enough to be used. It'll also probably be one of those features that only works with the SQL archive backend, since the DB backend doesn't save the full source of an email message; Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
August 10th 2005 PST
> If you have any ideas / roadblocks in the current code that > you'd like to be cleared / undocumented bugs / etc - nows a > *really* good time to let them be known. Where in the roadmap would be the issue of correct threading of messages ? Just curious... Alfred ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2005 PST
> [P.S. - Out of curiosity, why four different "guesses"? Is this a > legacy > thing, ...something I'd understand if I knew the first thing about > Perl :-), > ...or something else altogether? No urgency in replying here -- > like I said, > I'm just curious.] Well, 2 of the places it looks are "best guesses" onto where the directory that holds the templates is, since it's not hard-coded in the config file and for some inane reason, the techniques are different, depe ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2005 PST
> At the moment, I think Dada Mail guesses four different places the > template directory could be I had no idea -- I was just riffing off the roadmap, and trying to think of organizational solutions for a 70-file directory that may soon balloon to over 100 files. [P.S. - Out of curiosity, why four different "guesses"? Is this a legacy thing, ...something I'd understand if I knew the first thing about Perl :-), ...or something else altogether? No urgency in replying here -- like I said, I'm just curi ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2005 PST
> My first Dada Mail CVS commit was an overhaul of the program's > default CSS template. And because it was a major, structural > overhaul -- that is, not just a change of a line or two, but a > shuffling of large chunks of code -- Justin found it impossible to > merge his local-repository changes back into it, and ended up > having to rewrite them into my version as though he was working > from scratch. I think a lot of this had to do with the CVI gui software I was using; any commi ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2005 PST
This is strange: It's a Linux distro to get a webserver up and running fast and comes with Dada Mail. Interesting, Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
August 9th 2005 PST
> I don't know if this has been asked before, but what are your > thoughts on adding a "Configuration Settings" screen to the control > panel that would allow admins to dynamically create > $PROGRAM_CONFIG_FILE_DIR and adjust some of its settings via the > Web interface? At the moment, I have no plans to do this. The reasoning is that the .dada_config file is a very important file - if it gets corrupted - if there's *one* error, the program stops working. If the wrong people get a ...Continue Reading
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