Subscription Cookbook
- Subscription Cookbook
Subscription Cookbook
How to Subscribe an Email Address to a Mailing List
A challenge people face is trying to tie Dada Mail's subscription system with another system, like a checkout part of a shopping cart, boards/forum, blog or CMS software.
Dada Mail has an, EXPERIMENTAL RESTful API.
POST a request to your Dada Mail URL, with the following path:
is the PATH INFO you need)
Your POST Data will need to be in JSON, and have the following two fields, and an optional third:
list holds the list shortname you would like to make the subscription to
email holds the email address you would like the subscription for
Optional: fields holds the Profile Fields you would like to pass.
Here's an example of data in JSON to subscribe, to a list, mylist:
"email" : "",
"list" : "mylist"
Here's an example, with two Profile Fields, first_name
and last_name
"email" : "",
"fields" : {
"last_name" : "Example",
"first_name" : "Jason"
"list" : "mylist"
Results will also come back as JSON. For example, a successful request will return the following JSON document:
"email" : "",
"redirect" : {
"query" : "list=mylist&",
"using_with_query" : 1,
"url" : "",
"using" : 1
"status" : 1,
"success_message" : "<h1>Request Successful, Check Your Email!</h1> [...]",
"list" : "mylist"
email holds the email address you passed.
list holds the list short name you passed.
status tells you if the request worked, or not.
A value of
means success, a value of,0
means failure.If a request is successful, the following will also be returned:
success_message holds the success message, for this particular request in HTML.
If a request comes back as failing, the following will also be returned:
Problems with a request be listed in the, errors array. The following errors may be returned:
For example, sending a request with an invalid email address,
{ "email" : "invalid email", "list" : "mylist" }
Will return a JSON document, like this:
{ "email" : "", "redirect" : { "query" : "list=mylist&email=&status=0&rm=sub_confirm&errors[]=invalid_email", "using_with_query" : 1, "url" : "", "using" : 1 }, "errors" : { "invalid_email" : 1 }, "status" : 0, "error_descriptions" : { "invalid_email" : "<h1>Double Check Your Email Address</h1> [...]" }, "list" : "mylist" }
email and, list will be returned as you sent them, status will have a value of,
(meaning there was a problem), and the error array will have one entry in it, with a key of, invalid_email (the error), and a value of,1
Also on failure, another array named, error_descriptions will also be returned. This holds a description of any errors produced. Keys will be named the same as the errors, but the values will be a description of what the error means, in HTML.
Make sure your requests are made with the list and email params set in your POST DATA, and set the
. The returned JSON will be sent with aContent-Type
Dada Mail supports custom URL redirects, for many of its subscription request functions, and these custom redirect settings are also passed to you in the return JSON document.
Both successful and failed requests may also pass a redirect array, with the following:
url holds the URL used to redirect, for the particular request made.
query holds a query string you may append to the URL, if you would like to pass information to the redirect URL.
using is set to,
if the mailing list settings say that this redirect is enabled.using_w_qa
using_w_qa is set to,
if the mailing list settings say that this redirect is enabled, and using the query string.
All these parameters are passed to you, but it is your choice on whether you want to use or ignore them.
Situations That Require Additional User Input
There are some cases where a redirect back to Dada Mail will be required, to handle the request correctly.
For example, Dada Mail can be set up to limit the amount of subscription requests made, per a particular email address, to a particular mailing list.
So if > 1 request is made, rather than try to handle it twice, Dada Mail will instead return with a failure. When handled by Dada Mail itself, the user would then be presented with the option to resend a subscription request, after a CAPTCHA is filled out.
This isn't something you can do, purely with the RESTful API, but you can see if you need to point the user to Dada Mail.
For example, say this is the second request to subscribe:
"email" : "",
"list" : "mylist"
Rather than a succesful request, the following JSON will be returned:
"email" : "",
"redirect" : {
"query" : "list=dadatest&[]=already_sent_sub_confirmation",
"using_with_query" : 1,
"url" : "",
"using" : 1
"errors" : {
"already_sent_sub_confirmation" : 1
"status" : 0,
"redirect_required" : "subscription_requires_captcha",
"error_descriptions" : {
"already_sent_sub_confirmation" : "use redirect"
"list" : "mylist"
The errror, already_sent_sub_confirmation will have an associated error_description
with a value of, use redirect
. The redirect
array will have a key, url
, whose value will be the URL you'll need to redirect your user to, to complete the request.
This API also supports sending a request using JSONP.
If using JSONP, make sure to append the PATH INFO, with the query string, setting the name of your callback, like this:
Sending data over via POST is not supported in JSONP, in general, so you'll want to send over the fields you usually would send as a JSON payload, in the query string, as well.
Along with the usual fields, list
, email
, etc, you'll want to send another field called, _method
with a value of, GET
. This is to tell Dada Mail you're sending a, JSONP request.
The entire query string could look like this:
The JSONP document will be returned, encapsulated by the callback function name:
"email" : "",
"status" : 1,
"list" : "mylist"
[ ... ]
When calling via JSONP, the Content-Type
will be send back as, application/javascript
, rather than, application/json
Example Implementations
The following is a bare-bones example on how to use the JSONP API to send a subscription request using jQuery - but it still supports custom redirects, as well as any needed redirects for additional user input:
url: '',
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
cache: false,
data: {
_method: 'GET',
list: 'mylist',
email: '',
first_name: 'Jason',
last_name: 'Example'
contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
success: function(data) {
console.log('data:' + JSON.stringify(data));
var html = '';
if(data.status === 0){
$.each(data.errors, function(index, value) {
console.log(index + ': ' + value);
$.each(data.error_descriptions, function(index, value) {
html += value;
else {
html += data.success_message;
if(typeof data.redirect_required === 'undefined') {
if(data.redirect.using === 1) {
if(data.redirect.using_with_query === 1){
window.location.href = data.redirect.url + '?' + data.redirect.query;
else {
window.location.href = data.redirect.url;
else {
/* Display "html" */
else {
/* Success, or Error: it may not be something we can work with: */
window.location.href = data.redirect.url;
error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
console.log('status: ' + xhr.status);
console.log('thrownError:' + thrownError);
/* Uh oh... */
The following is a bare-bones example on how to use the JSON API to send a subscription request, using Perl:
use JSON;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Data::Dumper;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my $data = $json->utf8->encode(
list => 'mylist',
email => '',
my $response = $ua->request(
POST '',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
Content => $data
if ( $response->is_success ) {
my $r = $json->utf8->decode( $response->decoded_content );
print Dumper($r);
if ( $r->{status} == 1 ) {
print "Success!\n";
else {
print "Problems!\n";
else {
die $response->decoded_content;
If you can, please contribute an example!
If you can, please contribute an example!
If you can, please contribute an example!
jQuery Plugin
Dada Mail comes with a jQuery Plugin, that can be used to create a subscription form on a webpage, handle the request and show the results in a modal window, only redirecting the user if additional steps are required. The plugin uses the RESTful API, described above.
To use the jQuery plugin, you'll first need to load the plugin's .js file, along with other .js files it requires, in the head of your document:
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
jquery.dadamail.js is the jQuery plugin itself, but it does require jQuery to be loaded (in our case, it's called, jquery-1.11.3.min.js), as well the Colorbox jQuery plugin (
All these are bundled with Dada Mail, but you may use your own copies, if you'd like. To change the design of the modal window that pops up, you'll want to work with Colorbox's own .css file.
The jQuery plugin has two "methods" you may use.
$(document).ready(function() {
var targetDiv = '#mydiv';
/* Initialize: */
if($(targetDiv).length) {
DadaMailURL: '',
list: 'yourlist',
modal: 1
/* Create the form: */
CreateSubscribeForm will place a subscription form in a div with the id of, mydiv
Initialization Paramaters
To work correctly you'll need to pass the following paramaters:
DadaMailURL should hold the URL to your Dada Mail
Optionally, the following paramaters may also be passed:
list should hold a list short name of the list you want your subscription form to be for. If no list parameter is passed, the subscripton form made will have a dropdown widget to allow your user to select which mailing list they would like to subscribe to.
modal (default:
) allows you to set if the results of requests submitted from the form are shown in a modal window, or if results are shown in the entire browser window, by redirecting directly to Dada Mail.To show in the modal window, modal should be set to,
, to redirect, modal should be set to,0
The Modal method will allow you to have a Dada Mail subscription form already present on your webpage controlled by this plugin:
$(document).ready(function() {
var targetDiv = '#mydiv';
/* Initialize: */
if($(targetDiv).length) {
targetForm: 'myForm'
/* Control the form: */
Your Subscription Form:
<div id="mydiv">
<form action="" id="myForm">
<input type="hidden" name="flavor" value="subscribe" />
<input type="hidden" name="list" value="mylist" />
<input type="text" name="email" value="" />
<input type="submit" value="Subscribe" />
The subscription form with the id of, "myForm" will now show its results in a modal window. This method only has one, required paramater:
This should hold the id of the form you would like this plugin to control.
The subscription form itself needs to have the following form fields, which are the same form fields used for any Dada Mail mailing list subscription form:
Set to,
list holds the list short name of the mailing list you want to subscribe to
email is the form field used by your user, to type in their email address in.
The action of the form also should be the URL to your Dada Mail (
). If done correctly, the form alone should make a successful request to your Dada Mail install, thus working even if JavaScript has been disabled.
Shared Optional Paramaters
Both these two methods may pass these optional paramaters during initialization:
mode may be set to either,
to send a json request, orjsonp
to send a jsonp request. By default, this paramater is set to,jsonp
.jsonp will need to be used when you want to use a subscription for across different domains.
LoadingMessage holds HTML text, that's then shown as a, "loading..." message, while the request is sent to Dada Mail.
LoadingError holds HTML text, that's then shown if there's a communication problem with Dada Mail.
Perl API
You may use Dada Mail's own modules in your own app, see:
Command Line Utility -
Find a copy of
in the Dada Mail distro at:
as a shell script, like this:
prompt>perl ./ --list mylist --email
should hold the listshortname of the list you want to subscribe to.
should hold the email address you want to subscribe.
is optional. If set to, 1
, you will get a small report on the request.
You can also pass Profile Fields for the subscriber, just use the, -fields
prompt>perl ./ --list mylist --email ---fields first_name=John --fields last_name=Doe
can also be called from within another script using something like Perl's, exec
PHP Example
Here's an example for a php script, that uses php's shell_exec
function (make sure to change the permissions of
to, 755
var $email = '';
var $list = 'mylist';
shell_exec("/home1/zazarazz/public_html/dadamail/extras/scripts/subscribe/ --list $list --email $email");
To make things easier while testing, you may wish to disable Dada Mail's feature of limiting Subscription Confirmations. This feature disallows someone to continually attempt to subscribe the same email address. In testing, this may be exactly what you'd like to do.
In, Your Mailing List - Options
Uncheck the option, Limit Subscription Confirmation Sending. Once done testing, you may want to re-enable this option.
Limit Subscription Confirmation Sending
Other examples
FormMail Integration
See the sourcecode to FormMail to see how we integrated Dada Mail subscription capabilities in this simple form handler:
TFmail Integration
See the sourcecode to TFmail to see how we integrated Dada Mail subscription capabilities in this simple form handler: