Dada Mail - Professionally Installed
Winter Sale!
Installations and Upgrades are currently 50% off! Coupon code will automatically be applied, and the total will come out to 50% Off what's labeled below:
If you're new to Dada Mail, we've set up the below installation request to give you the best array of options (marked in this fancy color) to get the most out of Dada Mail - please customize to your taste.
These options include installing Pro Dada with yearly coverage for future feature upgrades, bug and security fixes; a yearly subscription to the Pro Dada Manual, to help you understand the basics of Pro Dada, as well as take advantage of Dada Mail's most advanced features; plus installing the optional Bounce Handler plugin, to make handling bounceback messages ridiculously easy.
Along with that, our installs include:
- Installing the following plugins/extensions/extras:
Plugins: Bridge (for Discussion Lists), Change Root Password, Tracker (Analytics), Log Viewer, Screen Cache Manager, Change Your List Shortname; Extensions: archive blog-style index, Mutiple List Subscribe; Extras: CKEditor, Tiny MCE, KCFinder; - 14 day, money back guarantee on all install/upgrades.
You may tailor your own installation using the options available to you below: