August 4th 2005 PST
It all ends up as attachments over here... Alfred > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) [mailto:dada@PROTECTED] > Verzonden: donderdag 4 augustus 2005 10:50 > Aan: alfred@PROTECTED > Onderwerp: [dadadev] Test test test.. > > Just testing the inline image stuff... > > Gif: > > > > -- > > Post: > > > Unsubscribe: > > > List Information: > > > Archive: > > > > ...Continue Reading
August 4th 2005 PST
Just testing the inline image stuff... Gif: ...Continue Reading
August 4th 2005 PST
Hey everyone, I've been doing some work on the archive viewing abilities of Dada Mail; I wanted you guy's opinion on how HTML archive messages should be viewed. At the moment (and for example: flavor=archive;list=dadadev;id=20050729225002 ) HTML messages are stuck in a iFrame, to preserve any formatting that they may have. The rub on this is, well, it's stuck in an iFrame and there's an extra scroll bar and it doesn't really work well with anything else. If ...Continue Reading
August 1st 2005 PST
little CSS tweaks, as req. by Justin & Alfred I'd like the latter more as well, but hey I can't argue with an artist and his vision... Alfred *Van:* Shane Clintberg [mailto:shaneclintberg@PROTECTED] *Verzonden:* maandag 1 augustus 2005 1:45*Aan:* alfred@PROTECTED*Onderwerp:* [dadadev] little CSS tweaks, as req. by Justin & Alfred > > are you *sure* you don't want me to> > add [redundant input-type classes]> > in?> Yes :)...And it's a good thing you said that, to ...Continue Reading
August 1st 2005 PST
> Great - I look forward to it. As you know, I was originally going > to just > start with proofreading & docs...but I seem to have gotten a little > caught > up in this XHTML/template thing :-) , so I best finish what I > started (and > get your tabbed-in templates back to normal-looking!). Totally fine, I'd rather keep your excitement going and work through the bumps :) Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
August 1st 2005 PST
> P.S. - I sent you a couple of personal messages to Dada Mail @ Ahh, so *that's* what happens when I type square bracket program_name square bracket into the body of a plain text email message! (Suffice to say, I actually sent those personal emails to dada@.... I'm pooped right now. I think it's bedtime.) ...Continue Reading
August 1st 2005 PST
> If I come the next day and see > there's a 1.7, I get a conflict with conflict markers in the file, > showing basically the changes I've made. The conflict markers show the changes *you've* made? That *is* weird! Keep me posted as to how things turns out with different CVS programs. In the meantime, you're probably well advised to do an update of the /templates/ folder every time, *before* you dip into it, because as you know, I'm making changes fast and furious in there. :-) > I'm going to make an ann ...Continue Reading
August 1st 2005 PST
As I've stated, it looks like the problem with deleting files is with the CVS GUI frontend I was using - in CVS-land (or is it, CVSland? (: ), you have to first remove a file from your local repository, send the, "cvs rm" command to the CVS server, and then commit the file. More details: 20You%20Remove%20A%20File The problem is, that when you remove a file from your local repository, my GUI frontend would magically make the file I ...Continue Reading
July 31st 2005 PST
> I'd like to change my vote. :-) OK, me too - let's do email, since it's a pain to type, e-mail. I think I did prefer e-mail - I did my own research and changed everything about and stuck to that convention, but I think the change was for version 2.0 - in 2000 :) Apple's spells it, "email" - and you *know* Apple couldn't possibly do any bad. Thanks for the epistemological hike. Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
July 31st 2005 PST
> > ...And with all those updates, I've never h Weird, as I've stated, I get them whenever you work on a file :) I'm going to switch from MacCVS PRO 3.0a (Carbon) to jCVS 5.4.2, which *has* been updated in the last decade and see if that helps - there's also a bug in that program where you cannot delete a file - jCVS fixes that (more on that later) > If I'm not mistaken, I think your conflicts are a result of me putting > something up after you update but before you commit...which means that > t ...Continue Reading
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