August 7th 2005 PST
Thanks for the testing, Bruce! I've updated the page accordingly. And while I haven't seen any stats lately (NN7, anyone?), I think that takes care of the majors. So notwithstanding the fringe browsers, here are your frame-like archived-message options (when the time comes), Justin: - an iFrame, set at a fixed width; - or a variable-width "fakeFrame"...that won't let Mac users fondle their new Mighty Mice as much as they want to. ...Continue Reading
August 7th 2005 PST
Brilliant! Good work! Firefox/Mac -- width & overall function good, but no keyboard scrolling or scrollwheel scrolling. Safari/Mac -- ditto IE 5.2.3/Mac -- ditto. When the page is first loaded, the fake iframe has a horizontal scrollbar which disappears when the window is resized. -- curmudgeon ...Continue Reading
August 7th 2005 PST
> If the iFrame automatically > adjusted itself to the width of the page/div it's in... Well, percentage widths *are* part of its spec! ...but having now done some browser testing on my own, I'm choking on my choice of the word "elegant." Yuck! So I've thrown together a CSS-based replacement for your/our consideration. It's certainly cleaner and more consistent with Dada Mail's style, ...and if it works well enough cross-browser, switching from "inline/framed" to &qu ...Continue Reading
August 6th 2005 PST
> Note: your putting the message content within the iframe element is > unnecessary. Leaving it empty as follows: > > > > works just as well...and makes it not just an "appropriate" > solution, but an > *elegant* one as well. > It's put in there in case your browser does not have iframe support; Which browser doesn't? Good question - probably PDA's and the ilk? I personally don't like the iFrame idea. If the iFrame automatically adjusted itself to the width of the page/div ...Continue Reading
August 6th 2005 PST
Let's try that again but in English: "And at minimum -- which means you're deleting everything else before & after the -- you'd probably also want to DELETE any inline scripting the message might have, too, for security reasons." ...Continue Reading
August 6th 2005 PST
> I wanted you guy's opinion on how HTML archive messages should > be viewed. At the moment ... HTML messages are stuck in > a iFrame, to preserve any formatting that > they may have. The rub on this is, well, it's stuck in an iFrame and > there's an extra scroll bar and it doesn't really work well with > anything else. Scrollbar, schmollbar -- I think the iframe looks fine, once you remove its extra CSS-styled border! And as far as its /function/ goes, it seems like a perfectly appropriate solution ...Continue Reading
August 5th 2005 PST
On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 05:20:03AM -0000, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote: > 3) Make (1 and (2 a pref so I can switch back and forth I like options and agree that the iframe is a bit clunky looking. William ...Continue Reading
August 4th 2005 PST
> you *won't* get inline images > in plain text. Yeah, I know, didn't want to play nice and I decided not to send another mail everyone's way. > Juatin, have you checked what I wrote in > > board=sending;action=display;num=1117916594 > ? Yes, I have. This isn't about working on having Dada embed inline images, this is about it displaying them. I'm probably not going to add back support for Dada Mail to display inline images until it can ...Continue Reading
August 4th 2005 PST
4 Aug 2005 05:20:03 -0000, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) : > > Hey everyone, > > I've been doing some work on the archive viewing abilities of Dada > Mail; I wanted you guy's opinion on how HTML archive messages should > be viewed. At the moment (and for example: > > > flavor=archive;list=dadadev;id=20050729225002 Gee... is it your mailer or the archive in dada that splits the long URLs in 2 lines? (maybe we could use for these... ...Continue Reading
August 4th 2005 PST
4 Aug 2005 09:25:02 -0000, Alfred Vink : > > > It all ends up as attachments over here... > Yup... same thing here... but now that I look into the mail source, I received it as plain text (not HTML)... you *won't* get inline images in plain text. You *need* to do it in HTML, since there's no way for plain text to include anything but, well, plain text :-) Juatin, have you checked what I wrote in;action=display;num=1117916594 ? There's a clean p ...Continue Reading
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