Dada Mail SIX FOUR ZERO Released
Dada Mail is a Contemporary Mailing List Manager, enabling you to easily run a verified mailing list that your subscribers can trust, right on your own website. v6.4.0 is our latest, stable release. Take a tour of what's new:
See what's new in v6.4.0
Pro Dada Install/Upgrade Offer!
For Subsribers of this Mailing List Only: Purchase an Installation or Upgrade of Pro Dada, and get the Bounce Handler installed for no additional cost (regularly $10.00). Just use the Coupon Code: BOUNCE4FREE when requesting an installation/upgrade. Use that same coupon code to take an additional $10.00 off yearly upgrade coverage for your Pro Dada installation ($40.00 with this offer, regularly $50.00).(Offer is valid until 7/1/13)
Pro Dada Forever
Purchase Pro Dada ($64.95) for a lifetime of access to the Dada Mail User Manual, as well as Pro Dada.
The Pro Dada Manual has a chapter dedicated to every screen in the list control panel, to provide help right where you need it.
Read a Sample Chapter (or two (or three!))
Pro Dada comes without a footer back to our support site and without mailing list or subscriber size quotas. The best part? Access to Pro Dada and the Dada Mail Manual is yours, for the life of the Dada Mail Project.
A huge thanks goes to everyone that has been supporting Dada Mail through it's amazing 13+ year run of development by purchasing Pro Dada!
Demo Dada Mail
What's New? (Changelog)
Features 6.4.0
Unsubscription Process: Vastly Simplified
The unsubscription process for Dada Mail has been redesigned, and is now much more simplified than it has been in past versions of Dada Mail. Here's how it works:
All mass mailings require an unsubscription link to be present in the message itself. This unsubscription link is now unique to the mailing list, mass mailing and subscriber it's sent to.
Clicking an unsubscription link will bring the subscriber to a screen with a simple form which only requires that they fill out their email address. An optional email address hint can be shown, to help your subscriber know which email address they're subscribed with. Once a subscriber has filled out their email address and submitted the form, they will be unsubscribed immediately. There is no longer an option to send an unsubscription confirmation email message to the user.
The unsubscription link will be removed in discussion lists when messages are replied to, to stop potentially re-sending the unique unsubscription link of a subscriber, to the entire mailing list. Unsubscription links will also be removed from archive messages.
To make the unsubscription process as simple and fool-proof as possible, many of the advanced options that were available in the mailing list's control panel have been removed. This was done to make 100% sure that users of Dada Mail were following email best practices, as well as following the newest CAN SPAM 2008 revision.
Unsubscriptions are now tracked, and data can be viewed/exported in the Tracker plugin. The date of the unsubscription, IP address, subscriber email address, mass mailing the unsubscription was made from, as well as the mailing list the unsubscription was for, will be logged.
More information about Dada Mail's Unsubscription System can be found in the new feature overview for unsubscriptions:
Tracker Plugin
Tracker Preferences: Simplified
Tracker preferences have been simplified, to make sure as much data is collected by default, and the Tracker's powerful features are as easy to use, as possible. You may now track clickthroughs automatically, or manually; track message opens directly or indirectly, and track with or without subscriber's email address. Tracking, Archive Views, "Forward to a Friend" and Bounces will always be enabled for you.
Work has been done to make the index of mass mailings data and graph render faster. Expect speedups of 2x-5x.
Opens: Total + Unique Reported
Message Opens are now reported as both the total amount of opens recorded per message, as well as unique opens per message/subscriber. The percentage of unique opens/total subscribers is also shown.
Subscriber Activity
Message data is now reported by subscriber, as well as by IP/location/Over Time. Activities such as Message Opens, Clickthroughs, Unsubscribes and Bounces are shown per-subscriber in chronological order. Subscribers are sorted from most active to least active, allowing you to easily see who your busiest members are, and what they're doing.
Subscriber Unsubscribes are now logged in Dada Mail and reported by the Tracker plugin. a seperate tab in the message Tracker shows a list of all unsubscriptions; data is also broken down by domain name, and graphed over time.
Total Recipients Logged
Dada Mail has the ability to send a mass mailing to only part of a mailing list, but up until now, only logged the total subscriber count. Now, Dada Mail will log both the total subscriber count, plus the total count of recipients that are sent the message. This will help Tracker message reports to be more precise.
csv Export Email Lists: Soft/Hard Bounces, Unsubscribes, Email Activity
Tracker supports csv exporting email addresses for soft/hard bounces, unsubscribers, and email activity, for each message.
Partial Sending Options Expanded
Partial List Sending has now been expanded to allow you to search both with what could be in your list (equal, like), as well as what may not be in your list (not equal to, unlike).
You may now search for more than one term, per field, at one time - example: a First Name of either Justin, OR John. This is done by simply listing the various search terms you'd like, separated by a comma. For example, First Name is Like Justin,John
Bugfixes 6.4.0
Non-ASCII header fields of sent message are not MIME-encoded
Dada Mail!
Dada Mail helps you with managing an email mailing list, offering complete support for safe, closed-loop opt-in subscriptions, sending out mass mailings, keeping message archives and allowing you to share your messages in lots of neat ways.
You run Dada Mail on your own web hosting account, giving you complete control over your valuable mailing lists. Do It Yourself - Dada Mail is designed for small businesses in mind, to provide an economical and extremely flexible solution to reach out to your customers, fans, friends, business partners and clients. There's no monthly fee to use Dada Mail, based on sending amount or otherwise.
Interact with Dada Mail through your web browser, making Dada Mail available anywhere you have a connection to the Internet, your business computer, your smart phone, your iPad, or any other computer, while on the go.
Dada Mail is rich with features, but tries to Keep It Simple. Dada Mail is designed to favor flexibility, extensibility and ease-of-use over core speed or extremely flashy but hard-to-use features. We ship Dada Mail with sane default mailing list preferences, so you can start using Dada Mail, without causing a faux pas and keeping your subscribers happy.
Dada Mail is designed to be installed, setup and understood by regular people who have websites, but packs enough advanced features to entice more proficient users. If you've installed a bulletin board or web blog software, you can install Dada Mail.
Dada Mail can scale. Install Dada Mail on most any basic hosting account and start sending out messages right away. Mailing List growing? Switch to sending with a more powerful third-party system, like Amazon SES, where there's potentially no limit on the number of emails you may send - all without having to change mailing list mangement systems or your hosting.
Dada Mail is free software that you're able to use, modify, share and enhance under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Dada Mail is written in Perl because we love Perl. Open Source software is easier to keep current, bug free and working great and our development is open for anyone to check out or even help out.
Dada Mail is named after the Dada Art Movement, comprised of in part of an incredibly creative pocket of free thinkers that expressed themselves without boundaries during the horrific time of WWI. Dada defies actual definition (by design!) and we'd like to be surprised and delighted to learn how you use Dada Mail!
Justin J Lead Dadaist The Dada Mail Project