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Dada Mail Program System Requirements

In order for Dada Mail to run successfully, the following requirements need to be met:

The Ability to run custom CGI scripts.

If you haven't installed a custom CGI script on your hosting account before, double check that your hosting plan allows this. Most do.

Access to Perl 5.6.

Of all the major hosting companies, only Earthlink seems to not have a recent enough version of Perl. We do not know why.

Also, out of everyone we've ever installed on, iPower doesn't support the, fork() Perl subroutine - or at least that's what their support says (and hey, who knows), so avoid them.

Any variant of Unix -

Linux, BSD, FreeBSD, OS X, etc. will work great;

We do not recommend running Dada Mail on any Windows Server and it probably won't run.

An up-to-date, Standards-Compliant Browser

We suggest Mozilla.

Specific Hosts we like and Specific Hosts that don't work So well

There's a few shining stars in hosting companies that seem to work *really* well with Dada Mail and there's a few bad apples that are rule-breakers to the above.

Dada Mail is Free Software and is released under the Gnu Public License.
Dada Mail is written in Perl because we love Perl.