May 6th 2012 PST
Can you send over a complete bounce message, headers and all? ...Continue Reading
May 6th 2012 PST
Hi Justin,I am using Amazon SES smtp server to send emails. Recently I got several bounced messages from Amazon SES which are not recognized by the bounce handler. As far as I can see, the main problem is that the actual reason for the bounce is only listed in the message body, like: The users mailfolder is over the allowed quota (size).and no attachment is present.Or, another Amazon bounced message body says:maildir delivery failed: error writing message: Disk quota exceeded while the attachment of the bounced messag ...Continue Reading
April 23rd 2012 PST
Hello Everyone, Dada Mail v5.0.2 has been released - Changelog: 5.0.2 ----- Summary 5.0.2 --------------- This release contains primarily bugfixes found in the v5.0.1 release of Dada Mail. Changes 5.0.2 --------------- * Support for CKEditor in Beatitude Missing support for CKEditor in Beatitude has been added. FCKeditor support should work bette ...Continue Reading
April 3rd 2012 PST
They sure are... Since I've never actually scheduled a mailing for this installation (it was requested by someone else who hasn't used it yet), I don't think it was a large db. Weird, but pretty much the story of my life. ;) Warm regards, Mary Ann On Apr 3, 2012, at 8:41 PM, Justin J wrote: >> >> That seems to have done the trick, thanks. What exactly happened > > Dunno. Computers are complicated things :) Some sort of file incompatibility. I also see this happen when the schedules db file gets ...Continue Reading
April 3rd 2012 PST
On Apr 3, 2012, at 6:37 PM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > > That seems to have done the trick, thanks. What exactly happened Dunno. Computers are complicated things :) Some sort of file incompatibility. I also see this happen when the schedules db file gets too big in size. > and how did this fix it? It recreated the schedules DB. No more incompatibility. ...Continue Reading
April 3rd 2012 PST
That seems to have done the trick, thanks. What exactly happened and how did this fix it? Warm regards, Mary Ann On Apr 3, 2012, at 6:59 PM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > I restored the schedules and am hoping that will help. ...Continue Reading
April 3rd 2012 PST
I started getting this yesterday but upgraded thinking that might help. I just realized that I haven't gotten this error since I upgraded to 5.01 today; now I'm only getting the other one. I restored the schedules and am hoping that will help. Warm regards, Mary Ann On Apr 3, 2012, at 6:06 PM, Justin J wrote: > That would be strange if you're getting this error, as it was one of the bugs fixed for 5.0.1 - > > > > If you are running v5.0.1, see if ...Continue Reading
April 3rd 2012 PST
On Apr 3, 2012, at 3:53 PM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > > And I'm getting this for the bridge plugin on the same install. > > Any idea what is going on? That would be strange if you're getting this error, as it was one of the bugs fixed for 5.0.1 - If you are running v5.0.1, see if just removing the, dada/DADA/perllib/Params directory (or renaming it) does the trick, ...Continue Reading
April 3rd 2012 PST
> I'm getting the following error for Dada 5.01 from the scheduled mailer cron job. Server maintenance was done just prior to this error message being generated with each run of the cron job, but I wouldn't even begin to know how to talk to support about it. Help would be appreciated. Try simply restoring your lists: you'll need only to restore your schedules. ...Continue Reading
April 3rd 2012 PST
And I'm getting this for the bridge plugin on the same install. Any idea what is going on? Warm regards, Mary Ann Begin forwarded message: > Status: 500 > Content-type: text/html > > Software error: > Undefined subroutine &Params::Validate::validate called at ..//DADA/App/ line 635. > > > For help, please send mail to the webmaster, giving this error message > and the time and date of the error. > > ...Continue Reading
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