3 Message(s) Date: Sun Oct 16 00:55:04 2016 From: justin@PROTECTED Subject: Dada Mail Developers Digest 1 Message(s) Date: Sat Oct 15 20:15:03 2016 From: justin@PROTECTED Subject: Dada Mail Developers Digest 1 Message(s) Date: Sat Oct 15 00:55:02 2016 From: justin@PROTECTED Subject: Dada Mail Developers Digest 3 Message(s) Date: Fri Oct 14 00:55:02 2016 From: justin@PROTECTED Subject: Dada Mail Developers Digest Date: Fri Oct 14 13:40:04 2016 From: maryann@PROTECTED Subject: Re: Dada Mail Developers Digest I got this both as an individual email and a digest to the same email address (I donÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂâÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂt subscribe to the digest). Might be a bug.
Date: Fri Oct 14 20:10:03 2016 From: wach-matthias@PROTECTED Subject: Re: v10 Beta Released Hi Justin, just want to give a short statement to V10. I am inpressed, very good !!! Theming with ZURB is a very good idea. Just tested the new Preview button, wow what a feature ! Can't await the next versions. I understand cause of complexity you removed the direct template/theme editing... You may build some theme-config-variables for at least the colors, font-size, margins etc. I get an error when i am in sending->options and click save, then test Can't access 'fm' field in object of class DADA::Mail::Send at /homepages/31/d356311073/htdocs/dr-wiechert.com/news/dada/DADA/App.pm line 3952. In Mass Mailing -> Testmail works fine. Thank you for your great work ! Best regards Matthias Am 14.10.2016 um 02:51 schrieb Justin J justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers]: > > Hi everyone, v10 Beta is released, here's the announcement: > > http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/archive/dada_announce/20161013232002/ > > I'm still looking for feedback, before the final release is out. It's a great up, with some powerful features, > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Date: Sun Oct 16 16:00:04 2016 From: jim@PROTECTED Subject: Amazon SES block Hi Justin.
I got this from Amazon the other day. Now we canâÃÂÃÂt send using SES anymore. I think this happened because of bots making subscription requests. Even using 9.6.0 we are getting about 10 unconfirmed requests a day. Some of these people are complaining when they get the unsolicited confirmation requests. In other cases the receiving mail servers are kicking the emails back, and in some cases are taking notice with "bad reputation" blocking. The rate limiting, and bot checking in 9.60 was a valiant effort, but it didnâÃÂÃÂt solve the problem for me.
________________________________________ The Amazon SES sending for AWS account xxxxxxx, which lists you as a contact or owner, has been suspended in AWS region US West (Oregon) because it has triggered alarms for excessive complaints. The complaint rate is significant enough that your access to send mail is being suspended immediately, irrespective of any previous notices you may or may not have received. Your current complaint rate is 1%. This is measured over the last 12,290 eligible emails* you sent, spanning over approximately the last 38.1 days. We expect our senders' complaint rates to remain below 0.1%. Senders with a complaint rate exceeding 0.5% risk suspension. _______________________________
I really think you should at least offer a Captcha option on the signup form. I have very few problems with people using those, and it blocks 98% of the bots. This would let us decide if we want to use that option. It would be a nice option to have available. Apparently Mail Chimp has some code that blocks bots. Below is a snippet. Maybe there is some way you can use this information. Of course you would need your own code that handles this in some way.
<div id="mce-responses" class="clear"> <div class="response" id="mce-error-response" style="display:none"></div> <div class="response" id="mce-success-response" style="display:none"></div> </div> <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups--> <div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="text" name=âÃÂÃÂxxxxxxxxxxx" tabindex="-1" value=""></div> <div class="clear"><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button"></div> </div> _______________________________ All the best, Date: Sun Oct 16 19:15:03 2016 From: justin@PROTECTED Subject: Re: Amazon SES block > I got this from Amazon the other day. Now we canâÃÂÃÂt send using SES anymore. I think this happened because of bots making subscription requests. Even using 9.6.0 we are getting about 10 unconfirmed requests a day. Some of these people are complaining when they get the unsolicited confirmation requests. Can you gather some data about this? I'd rather not go on hunches, if that seems prudent to you. > I really think you should at least offer a Captcha option on the signup form. I encourage you to step up to the plate and commission the feature! I don't think it's a really great idea, myself. > > Your current complaint rate is 1%. This is measured over the last 12,290 eligible emails* you sent, spanning over approximately the last 38.1 days. We expect our senders' complaint rates to remain below 0.1%. Senders with a complaint rate exceeding 0.5% risk suspension. If I'm reading this right, you have a 130 complaints?! That seem excessive, for sure. Are you sure these are all from messages sent by Dada Mail, or there's not other things you can do to stop this? Anything you've tried? DO you have any IP blocks on the web server side, or any protection on that end? How large/busy is your list? I'd like to know what the exact behavior that caused this is. It seems like it's a little more orchestrated then addresses just trying to subscribe. Surely, something else can be done, here. Love (again) to see some data. > Apparently Mail Chimp has some code that blocks bots. Below is a snippet. Maybe there is some way you can use this information. Of course you would need your own code that handles this in some way. Yeah, I guess I can do something like that. The bad side is that it would break existing subscription forms. |