Justin wrote:
I made some slight changes to the default_css css file and didn't commit these changes Now, when I update Dada Mail from CVS, it won't update this file This type of issue is bound to happen a lot as we start working on the same files at the same time
As you know, I'm new to this CVS thing myself but Sourceforge's introductory info suggests that during regular use, conflicts are actually rarer than one might first expect, and that, with its robust conflict-resolution tools (like you linked to in your follow-up message) they're usually straightforward to resolve when they do occur [Thanks for that info, btw!]
Still, I knew that the sheer number of structural -- which is to say, more than just line-by-line -- changes I that made to default_css css would seriously muck up a diff with your local repository's version which is why I sent you that personal heads-up (In retrospect, such a major revision was a pretty weird way to inaugurate my CVS work -- glad it didn't spook ya!)
From here forward, I expect the great majority of my commits to be smaller, more easily manageable line-by-line additions, subtractions and tweaks but if I ever do want to attempt a similarly major overhaul of something, I'll be sure to post a quick heads-up to [dadadev] first, so both you & others know it's coming, can advise against it if necessary -- for instance, if you're also in the middle of working on the same file, and don't want something on the CVS that "breaks" your diffs -- and can refresh your local repositories accordingly
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