Thanks Shane!
Your work that's in CVS is top notch - wonderfully done
(1) Are there any known bugs with the program's CSS right now? (My
browser testing suite includes multiple versions of IE/Win, so I'd be happy
to take a closer look at any IE-specific culprits that might still be out
there )
I think there are two issues - one that we've both talked about with
each other and that's the borders on the checkboxes/radio buttons
really like the borders on the other buttons, and don't want them on
the checkboxes/radio buttons, so I'm open to what we can do about that;
The other problem is that the upper left/top and lower right/bottom
borders on buttons/textboxes are slightly different - it looks like
the lower right/bottom is slightly greyer than the top
This is fine
for the textboxes (and something I do like!), but makes the buttons
looks slightly recessed, instead of slightly "popped" out
some weird psychology that makes things that have a darker bottom
portion appear to come out of the surface they're on - as if it's a
cast shadow and Dada Mail is currently violating this for the buttons
A small issue, but something that should be tackled, if you'd like :)
Other than that, when you first started, you had some questions on
why I did certain things the way I did - I explained it no problem,
but I really really should have commented the code when something
like this arises - so that's something I'm going to keep in the back
of my mind: If something's not straightforward, comment it for
others! A very minor gear change, but a very helpful one, too!
Oh! and here's something else - it looks like I made some slight
changes to the default_css
css file and didn't commit these changes
Now, when I update Dada Mail from CVS, it won't update this file -
I'm glad this issue happened so early in the collaborated
development, since now we can see what happens when I try to either
force a merge of the two different revisions, or try something else
(not sure quite what now)
This type of issue is bound to happen a
lot as we start working on the same files at the same time
I'm sure
CVS has some sort of locking mechanism to stop someone from doing
just that, but there's other times when someone will forget or just
didn't know
I'll let you know what hoops I go through to get a local copy of the
css into my local repository,
Justin Simoni
:: is an eccentric artist, living and working in Denver, Colorado :: URL: http://justinsimoni com :: PHO: 720 436 7701 :: Mailing List - http://justinsimoni com/mailing_list html
On Jul 24, 2005, at 10:40 AM, Shane Clintberg wrote:
> >
Having now completed the Twelve Feats of Skazat to become Dada
Mail's latest developer, I've decided to get my feet wet in two (hopefully)
modest waysThe first is by proofreading all the human-readable bits of individual files -- both the program's default HTML and email messages and the
PODs -- as I happen upon them This is kind of schoolmarm-ish, but Justin
doesn't seem to mind :-)And the second is by doing a review of the program's CSS, fixing
anything that needs fixing, and maybe adding a bit of functionality along
the wayIt's here where I could use your feedback:
(1) Are there any known bugs with the program's CSS right now? (My
browser testing suite includes multiple versions of IE/Win, so I'd be happy
to take a closer look at any IE-specific culprits that might still be out
there )(2) Are there any CSS customizations that you've made to your own implementations of the program and that you think would be useful to include in the next release for others?
Basically, I'm open to any & all bug reports, suggestions, ideas,
and code snippets that you'd like to offer or propose, however big or small
they might beThanks!
P S - I've reorganized "default_css css" so that it's as
collaboration- and customization-friendly as I could make it If you'd like to
dive in, you can grab the latest version of it off the CVS at: http://cvs sourceforge net/viewcvs py/mojomail/dada_mail_stable/ dada/DADA/Template/templates/default_css css?view=log--
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