Regarding my problem with the signature ending up within the body
iso below the body and sofar it's working OK, no more problems since I haven't seen any reaction from you yet regarding his code
suggestion, but I would certainly take a look, it seems to be working out OK
Ok, well, the code's shorter than what I have and solves a bug you're
experiencing :) I sort of want to know where the code was pulled
from, but it looks like it's generic enough to just come from some
example in a book or online tutorial
I'll apply the changes to the correct files and do my own testing
the top of my head, I can't think of why this would hurt anything, I
want to say that the code will be slower, but getting rid of an O(N)
loop and a conditional sounds like a great way to speed things up!
I'm a bit lazy to make a benchmark test, but here's the docs for
Perl's benchmark test if anyone is interested in playing with this
Off to apply the code change
Justin Simoni
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