December 4th 2014 PST
> On Dec 4, 2014, at 3:32 PM, Bruce Harper bharper@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] wrote: > Will this enable a continuing schedule for a message? Not on the initial release. I'd like to instead get what I'm finishing up out there, for people to work with, and perhaps give back some feedback. Already with Beatitude, people want to send on schedules that aren't so uniform - they want: "Every weekday", or, "Monday/Wednesday/Friday", or even just, "Every Monday" and that's not somet ...Continue Reading
December 4th 2014 PST
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:50 PM, Justin wrote:> Instead, I've added scheduling as an option to both the Send a Message, and Send a Webpage screens, so that you can turn any draft message into a message to be sent sometime in the future, rather than right away.Will this enable a continuing schedule for a message? We send four messages from a webpage every weekday morning and another two messages every Wednesday morning. The current plug-in has a "repeat" section that follows the set mailing schedule every d ...Continue Reading
December 4th 2014 PST
Hello Everyone, I've been hard at work with rewriting Mass Mailing Schedules in Dada Mail. The venerable Beatitude plugin is getting a bit long in the tooth, and is written in a way that makes it very, very hard to enhance in any really easy way. It's marked as, "deprecated" (I'd like to dump it, ASAP). Instead, I've added scheduling as an option to both the Send a Message, and Send a Webpage screens, so that you can turn any draft message into a message to be sent sometime in the future, rather than righ ...Continue Reading
November 21st 2014 PST
Hello Everyone, For those who would like to help test out the Digest feature in Dada Mail, it's now enabled in the Dada Mail running this very list!. To do so, you'll need to login to your profile, here: If you haven't done so, it's possible you have no idea what your Profile password is. There are options to reset that password, or register for a new profile. Giving that this list is 14+ years old, it's also possible that you have no profile (as ...Continue Reading
November 21st 2014 PST
Hello everyone, I've been commissioned to reimplement Digests in Dada Mail - the work can currently be found here: It's a pretty big feature at the moment (42 changed files, with 2,739 additions and 951 deletions.). I never really thought the original implementation was really all that hot: it was very awkward to set up, as it required two separate lists that somehow were to be aligned to work right. With those two lists, the digest members couldn ...Continue Reading
November 12th 2014 PST
There isn't, but I can put it on the TODO to add such a feature - sounds like it would be useful, ...Continue Reading
November 12th 2014 PST
I know Justin isn't around, but I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if there is a template tag for the original sender's address in Bridge. I would like to put a footer in the emails that has the original sender's email address since P.P. mode converts the address to the list owner's address. The only tag I have found is the subscriber's email address (<!-- tmpl_var -->) but it seems like there should be one for the sender as well. Untitled Document Warm regards, Mary Ann Post: mailto ...Continue Reading
November 9th 2014 PST
Great - thanks Justin. Doh! Doug -----Original Message----- From: Justin J justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] [mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED] Sent: 31 October 2014 23:45 To: Dada Mail Developers Subject: [dadadev] Re: Dada Mail - no CSS > I know the CSS file is located at > > /cgi-bin/dada_mail_support_files/static/css/dada_mail.css > > But can anyone tell me where I should be finding the url link to this file to check it is correct? When you install Dada Mail, don't set the location of your dada_ ...Continue Reading
November 6th 2014 PST
is it OK to just make a MX record to set mail server of also to like:mx 20------------------ Original ------------------*From: * ""孙志勇 455750938@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers]" ";<dadadev@PROTECTED>;*Date: * Thu, Nov 6, 2014 02:50 PM*To: * "Dada Mail Developers"<dadadev@PROTECTED>; *Subject: * [dadadev] bounces handling for multi lists different mail server Hi, I have a ...Continue Reading
November 6th 2014 PST
Hi, I have a dada mail program installed on, list A use sendmail, mail server is local server; list B use SMTP, mail server is remote server but when install, it can only set one bounce handling email address, then how to do do with bounces for mail server because bounce@PROTECTED can not send mail on behalf of . Post: mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED Unsubscribe » ...Continue Reading
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