February 18th 2015 PST
Test ...Continue Reading
February 17th 2015 PST
> From: Moshe Katz > It appears that CGI::Fast has some issues, though I can't seem to find out why. See http://serverfault.com/questions/664686/perl-cgifast-closes-connections-without-sending-data for details. Do you know anything about this, or know anyone who might be able to shed some light? No, I don't have much light to shed. As it stands, I've only tested Dada Mail on Apache using mod_fcgi/mod_fastcgi (whichever it is). Something like a reverse proxy setup on nginx isn't something I've played with, yet ...Continue Reading
February 17th 2015 PST
(sorry the following message didn't get sent out correctly - my fault!) From: Moshe Katz Date: February 14, 2015 at 9:24:15 PM MST To: Dada Mail Developers Subject: Re: v8.0.0 Alpha 1 Released! Justin, I'm sorry for taking so long to report back on my tests on this. See below for why... The idea looks great so far. However, I haven't managed to get FastCGI to work fully. (I was able to see the interface for setup using a CGI Wrapper that I have mentioned on this email list in the past, but I am specifically try ...Continue Reading
February 16th 2015 PST
Justin,I'm sorry for taking so long to report back on my tests on this. See below for why...The idea looks great so far. However, I haven't managed to get FastCGI to work fully. (I was able to see the interface for setup using a CGI Wrapper that I have mentioned on this email list in the past, but I am specifically trying to test FastCGI.)It appears that CGI::Fast has some issues, though I can't seem to find out why. See http://serverfault.com/questions/664686/perl-cgifast-closes-connections-wit ...Continue Reading
February 13th 2015 PST
Test - should be the last one, ...Continue Reading
February 13th 2015 PST
Reply, Reply, Test ...Continue Reading
February 2nd 2015 PST
Reply! ...Continue Reading
February 1st 2015 PST
Hello everyone. Good news! The first ALPHA version of v8 of Dada Mail has been released! Major improvements include porting Dada Mail to the CGI::Application framework, and FastCGI support! I could really use some feedback on this release - especially if you're using FastCGI. I need to know if it's working, and what would make your life easier to utilize Dada Mail under FastCGI - it's all unknown territory for me. All these docs are drafts, but I would love feedback on these as well: Download and install: http ...Continue Reading
January 20th 2015 PST
Hi everyone - just a progress report: I've gotten Dada Mail running under FastCGI pretty successfully! Whoo! Once this is complete, it's hoping we'll all see 5x-10x performance improvements, especially on busy sites, so that would be fantastic. I'm currently working on the Dada Mail plugins. It's been an interesting project to get going correctly, but I think I've turned the corner on that as well. Plugins will act actually like plugins; running under the main, "mail.cgi" app, instead of being their own tin ...Continue Reading
January 9th 2015 PST
Here's a small update on this project: After some pretty long days of making a million small adjustments literally everywhere in the source code, we now have a pretty well-functioning, CGI::Application-powered, and FastCGI-enabled Dada Mail! There's a few more problems to overcome, but I should have something alpha-quality to release, and have available for testing purposes. I could really use the feedback, as literally anything could have a small (or larger) bug, that needs to be dealt with. Thankfully, even thoug ...Continue Reading
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