May 26th 2015 PST
Hello Everyone, Schedules seem to be working well in the core of Dada Mail, except people are missing the ability to set a recurring schedule, like they could in Bridge. Bridge had some issues itself with recurring schedules, namely it was hard to set a schedule that recurred at something other than something completely normal like, "every day", rather than, "every day, except the weekends"So, when reintegrating recurring schedules in Dada Mail, I'm going to allow the following: * A start ...Continue Reading
May 21st 2015 PST
v8.1.0 has been released! Download and Install: This release is just like v8.1.0, but has the Magic Template option for your global user template. More information: Give it a try, and let me know how things are working for you. As I noted, I'm using it myself at, ...Continue Reading
May 21st 2015 PST
> On May 20, 2015, at 7:02 PM, OCO Admin oco_admin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] wrote: Thinkin' about it more, I'm going to add the —user-agent flag to the example cronjob command. Thanks for the suggestion, Cheers, ...Continue Reading
May 21st 2015 PST
> On May 20, 2015, at 7:02 PM, OCO Admin oco_admin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] wrote: > Does the installer script really require 5.10? Perhaps it could be made > to work with 5.8 and if /usr/bin/perl is <5.10 look in other paths (like > cpanel) for a different version of perl? Unfortunately, it does, as it also is written using the CGI::Application framework, which is why I bumped up the min. Perl version from v5.8.8 to v5.10. v5.10 isn't anything bleeding edge or anything - it was released in 2 ...Continue Reading
May 21st 2015 PST
On 2015-05-18 01:39 PM, Justin J justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] wrote: > >> 1) My hosting provider is using CentOS 5 with perl 5.8.8. In order >> to make it work with Dadamail v8 I had to change the top of every >> .cgi script (uncompress, install, mail, view_logs, etc) from >> #!/usr/bin/perl to #!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl > > If you're running Dada Mail under CGI, here are the only files you > will need to adjust: > > dada/installer/install.cgi dada/install ...Continue Reading
May 20th 2015 PST
Hello Everyone - v8.0.3 has been released. Changeling is below. Thanks for everyone who has contributed w/bug reports, etc. Download: Install: Upgrade: Changes: 8.0.3 This is a bugfix release of Dada Mail. Bugfixes Problems creating new list if errors present in values passed ...Continue Reading
May 20th 2015 PST
Hello Everybody, I am using Dada Mail v 8.0.2 and I want to add the sender email in the archive overview. I made following changes : [*] [*]add after line 953 (" message_blurb => $archive->message_blurb(-key => $entries->[$i]),") following new line : "email => $archive->sender_address({-id => $entries->[$i]})," [*]archive_list_widget.tmpl [*]add after "" following line ...Continue Reading
May 18th 2015 PST
> 1) My hosting provider is using CentOS 5 with perl 5.8.8. In order to > make it work with Dadamail v8 I had to change the top of every .cgi > script (uncompress, install, mail, view_logs, etc) from #!/usr/bin/perl > to #!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl If you're running Dada Mail under CGI, here are the only files you will need to adjust: dada/installer/install.cgi dada/installer/templates/mail.cgi.tmpl (perhaps any of the extensions you are using) No need to change any of the plugins > ...Continue Reading
May 15th 2015 PST
Hello all, I have recently upgraded to Dadamail 8.0.2 from 7.0.1 and have run into several larger and smaller issues that I felt I should share: 1) My hosting provider is using CentOS 5 with perl 5.8.8. In order to make it work with Dadamail v8 I had to change the top of every .cgi script (uncompress, install, mail, view_logs, etc) from #!/usr/bin/perl to #!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl If the installer could provide an option to rewrite the first line in all the perl scripts, that would save me a bunch o ...Continue Reading
May 14th 2015 PST
Justin,I don't have time to test this out at the moment, but one of my clients asked me for almost exactly this feature just a few days ago. I can't wait until I have time to test it!Keep up the great work,Moshe--Moshe Katz-- moshe@PROTECTED-- +1(301)867-3732 On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 2:37 PM, Justin J justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> wrote:I've been working on making developing user-facing templates for Dada Mail that you see in the browser a little easier to create. One problem is that ...Continue Reading
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