July 25th 2016 PST
Not sure when I can update the installs, but had to schedule a mailing this morning and this is the step by step with screenshots.Choose Send a Webpage from Mass Mailing dropdown. Paste URL of HTML webpage into the “Grab content from a URL” field under HTML Version tab. Add subject line Click “Save as Schedule” Choose date and time under "Single -> Schedule for:" (Leave Activate checkbox empty for now) Screenshot just before clicking Save Schedule: https://www.evernote.com/l/AG1WxI4k6FdJc7P72ze4 ...Continue Reading
July 23rd 2016 PST
Yeah, I had just upgraded when new releases came out. I’m running 9.2.0 Stable on all 3 installs. Since I have to upgrade 3 installs I was waiting until it seemed like there was a good reason to upgrade. I will do so as soon as I can carve out the time (just returned from being out of the office for 3 weeks so I’m trying to get caught up) and send the steps and error log results.The biggest problem with sending the steps is that I can’t even recreate my own problems on the site running on a different server - ...Continue Reading
July 22nd 2016 PST
Mary, I'm not able to recreate your problems w/schedules not saving using the, "Save Schedule" button. Everything saves just fine. I'm wondering if you could try to list the steps used to recreate your problem, and do so in the simplest ways. That's pretty invaluable to me, when trying to work through a bug. Also, you may want to start first with just upgrading to the latest version. I can tell you're not up to date, as this error (or type of error) > [Fri Jul 22 12:20:01 2016] mail.cgi: (in cleanu ...Continue Reading
July 22nd 2016 PST
On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:17 PM, Mary Ann wrote:Thanks, Bruce. I remember that you were having problems with mailings not going out but didn’t mentally connect it to this issue. I might try moving the drafts to the same domain that Dada is installed on (both the draft and Dada are on the same server in my case, but different domains) and see if that makes a difference.In my case, everything is on the same vt.edu domain and on the same campus network, but Dada Mail is running on a machine in my office and the web ...Continue Reading
July 22nd 2016 PST
Now there is another problem with the scheduled mailings. When I am testing, I use PROOF (date of mailing) in the subject line, then I remove it when I activate the mailing. Dada is absolutely refusing to save the revised subject line. I delete PROOF from the subject line and either send a test or save the schedule. Both result in PROOF appended to the subject line both in the test message and the reloaded page. I’ve tried removing it manually and sending a test and saving a schedule. I’ve tried choosing “Use the ...Continue Reading
July 22nd 2016 PST
Thanks, Bruce. I remember that you were having problems with mailings not going out but didn’t mentally connect it to this issue. I might try moving the drafts to the same domain that Dada is installed on (both the draft and Dada are on the same server in my case, but different domains) and see if that makes a difference. Are you seeing that the schedule doesn’t save, or that the schedule saves but the mailing doesn’t go out? In my case the schedule will save if I hit Send Test instead of Save Schedule, so I’m doi ...Continue Reading
July 22nd 2016 PST
On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Mary Ann wrote: Error log shows: [Thu Jul 21 11:52:32 2016] mail.cgi: doesn't have a draft! at /DADA/App/MassSend.pm line 1681. There is a draft though - I’m using “Send a webpage” and “Save as schedule”.It's not just you, Mary Ann. In the same situation (sending a web page on a schedule) I see that message (after getting heat from above when the Daily Email doesn't send on time). The best I can determine is that there is a network problem between my server and the site that h ...Continue Reading
July 21st 2016 PST
Okay, I thought it was the SSL because the non-SSL domain didn’t have that issue, but I tested it on a 3rd install that is non-SSL but the same host as the SSL and had the same problem, so it must be a server setting instead. Error log shows: [Thu Jul 21 11:52:32 2016] mail.cgi: doesn't have a draft! at /DADA/App/MassSend.pm line 1681. There is a draft though - I’m using “Send a webpage” and “Save as schedule”. If you want to login and check it, email me off-list and I’ll send you the info for which installs it is. ...Continue Reading
July 21st 2016 PST
Ahh, OK, that makes sense. I didn't know that was enabled by default. I've shut it off, so they should stop bothering me. ;-) Thanks!Joe Rizza919.807.1278joe.rizza@PROTECTEDhttp://www.scubajoe.net/ On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Justin J justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> wrote: Those redirect links are created by Dada Mail, they're used to track clickthroughs. If you want, you may disable the feature in the Tracker plugin. Obv. no credit card information is kept on file - and obv. t ...Continue Reading
July 21st 2016 PST
Joe,The links look like that so that Dada can track clicks.See http://dadamailproject.com/pro_dada/using_tracker.html#Track-Message-ClickthroughsMost popular Mailing List software does some form of this, including all of the SaaS "big names" like ConstantContact and MailChimp.Moshe--Moshe Katz-- kohenkatz@PROTECTED-- +1(301)867-3732 On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:13 AM, Joe Rizza joe@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> wrote: Could someone explain to me how dada handles links placed ...Continue Reading
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