October 6th 2016 PST
Howdy everyone, the first alpha release of the tenth major version of Dada Mail has been... released! This version focuses specifically on shipping with beautiful HTML email messages for (almost) all the transactional emails Dada Mail sends out, as well as making it much easier for you to create good looking mass mailing email messages. [*]Download and install:http://dadamailproject.com/support/documentation-10_0_0-alpha1/install_dada_mail.pod.html [*]Changelog v10http://dadamailproject.com/support/documentation-10_0_ ...Continue Reading
October 4th 2016 PST
Fanciness! BEHOLD* the fanciness/. Coming you way. Um, soon. -- Justin J: Lead Dadaist. url: http://dadamailproject.comemail: justin@PROTECTED twitter: @dadamail skype: leaddadaist Dada Mail Announcements: http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/dada_announce/ ...Continue Reading
October 4th 2016 PST
Just testing this all out, ...Continue Reading
October 3rd 2016 PST
Hello everyone, I've been steadily working on these new features and have gotten pretty darn far in getting things solid and stable. I've recently added support for Layouts, so that you can wrap your mass mailing messages into your choice of layout designs (or none at all). Discussion list messages will also have their own layout that are optimized for discussion lists. It's all pretty cool in how it works, and I'm looking forward to getting a release out. The HTML emails that gets sent really do make a greater i ...Continue Reading
September 21st 2016 PST
Test3 ...Continue Reading
September 12th 2016 PST
Test 6:38 ...Continue Reading
September 12th 2016 PST
test ...Continue Reading
August 31st 2016 PST
Howdy all - new update! I've gotten mass email messages working with the new Foundation for Emails based templates, so that's really cool. There was a TON of work to make this happen behind the scenes to get the whole workflow in-code somewhat sane. But that's a huge hurtle, and I don't foresee too many things in this project being THAT large. Other niceties: * the Send a Webpage screen now supports attachments! * the Send a Message screen now supports embedded images! * Both support embedding images that are in y ...Continue Reading
August 31st 2016 PST
Howdy all, There's a bug in Bridge, where if you try to send a confirmation email to the List Email - in this case, dadadev@PROTECTED It'll actually come through, since that confirmation email is from the List Owner, who's always allowed to post. You may have remembered this email that came through a few days ago, > Hello! > > This message has been sent to you as the final step to confirm your > email list subscription for the following list: > > Dada Mail Developers > > To confirm t ...Continue Reading
August 29th 2016 PST
Hello! This message has been sent to you as the final step to confirm your email list subscription for the following list: Dada Mail Developers To confirm this subscription, please follow the URL below: http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/t/REMOVED/ (Click the URL above, or copy and paste the URL into your browser. Doing so will subscribe you to this list.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is the description given for this list: This mailing ...Continue Reading
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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