Dada Mail Developers Archives


HTML unsubscribe

December 1st 2016 UTC

How do I embed the unsubscribe link in HTML. If I just paste <!-- tmpl_var list_unsubscribe_link —> It comes out as I know this is simple, but I spent a half hour trying to find a sample of how to do this on the site.. thanks, Jim  ...Continue Reading

Re: CSS::Inliner

December 1st 2016 UTC

> On Dec 1, 2016, at 7:55 AM, Phil McKerracher phil@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] wrote: > I believe there's a known issue and a patch available from Badger developers, if you search on Git. The inliner functionality wasn't important to me so I decided to wait for a tested release rather than manually patch. It might be a long wait, though. I'll harass him :) ...Continue Reading

RE: CSS::Inliner

December 1st 2016 UTC

I believe there's a known issue and a patch available from Badger developers, if you search on Git. The inliner functionality wasn't important to me so I decided to wait for a tested release rather than manually patch. It might be a long wait, though. ...Continue Reading

Re: CSS::Inliner

December 1st 2016 UTC

Hi Mattias, Do you have the full log of what happens when you try installing just "Badger" via cpan, or cpanm? ...Continue Reading


December 1st 2016 UTC

Hi Justin, as another posted some weeks ago, there is some trouble to install CSS::Inliner. I have tried on Ubuntu 16.04. no chance cause of "Badger" failes to install. What is the best way to run Dada Mail ? Which operating system / Apache / etc ? Thanks. Matthias ...Continue Reading

Re: v10.1.0 Released

November 29th 2016 UTC

Hmm, not much to go on - that table has been around in Dada Mail unchanged for > year. Maybe something on you end? Testing quickly, it does seem to work for me, with a similar MySQL version (5.1.39): Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 3538 Server version: 5.1.39 MySQL Community Server (GPL) Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> use test; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can ...Continue Reading

Re: v10.1.0 Released

November 29th 2016 UTC

Hi Justin, just made a fresh installation to test on other host and found an error in sql schema. dada/extras/SQL/mysql_schema.sql in line 140 last_modified_timestamp TIMESTAMP_ DEFAULT NOW()_, The DEFAULT NOW() is for me important. Dada Mail v10.1.0 MySQL: 5.1.73 Best regards Matthias Am 29.11.2016 um 02:01 schrieb Justin J justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers]: Howdy everyone - v10.1.0 has been released: here's the announcement: ...Continue Reading

v10.1.0 Released

November 29th 2016 UTC

Howdy everyone - v10.1.0 has been released: here's the announcement: The big change is that this version includes 10 more themes, to complement the default theme that was shipped in v10.0.0. These themes are simple color scheme changes, just by utilizing a small bit of SCSS, so for example, the changes in style in the theme, "Flamingo Park" is just: ...Continue Reading

New Blog Posts: Segmentation, Dada Mail -> Pro Dada

November 22nd 2016 UTC

Some new blog posts: Segmentation And Mass Mailing in Dada Mail How to turn any Dada Mail install into a Pro Dada install Cheers, ...Continue Reading

Test, please disregard

November 18th 2016 UTC

Test, please disregard, ...Continue Reading
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