November 19th 2017 PST
From: The core of Dada Mail is written in Perl, so a change in the PHP version shouldn't affect it directly. Dada Mail comes with two file managers: CKFinder and Rich Filemanager which are shipped with a PHP backend. I don't know if a bump in the PHP version would affect either of these backends, but since Rich Filemanager is newer, it may fair better than KCFinder. ...Continue Reading
November 16th 2017 PST
Should I expect any compatibility issues with Dada if I upgrade to PHP 7? Warm regards, Mary Ann * ...Continue Reading
November 16th 2017 PST
From: Test works -----Original Message----- From: dadadev@PROTECTED [mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:02 PM To: Dada Mail Developers Subscriber Subject: [dadadev] Test From: justin@PROTECTED Test, sorry - ...Continue Reading
November 16th 2017 PST
From: Test, sorry - ...Continue Reading
November 2nd 2017 PST
From: > From: 455750938@PROTECTED > When I upload an image from the email edit page, it always like below: So there are three file mangers that comes with Dada Mail. I'm not sure which one you're using, but if one doesn't work, try another one. These are set in the installer. Also, don't use the, "Upload" tab, use these instructions: Also, you can try just dragging/dropping images into the ...Continue Reading
November 2nd 2017 PST
Dear All, When I upload an image from the email edit page, it always like below: and if want browse from server, it always like below: have tried many instances and on server, all with error like this, only one instance is successful on upload image to server, but all configuration are the same. anyone know what is the problem? ...Continue Reading
October 12th 2017 PST
hi,schedule cron job wrong as below, what's the problem? /bin/sh: No such file or directory ...Continue Reading
October 8th 2017 PST
My first guess would be that it's something broken that InMotion is doing. Over the last 10 years, I have had as many problems with InMotion (including this type of permission issue several times) as I have had with /all/ ten (approximately) of the other hosting providers I and my clients use put together! Unfortunately, I can't think of a specific reason this might be happening. Have you tried asking InMotion support? Moshe On Oct 8, 2017 5:56 PM, "John Taylor johntaylor.wwtp@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Develope ...Continue Reading
October 8th 2017 PST
Hello All, I'm not sure if this is a proper post to this list, if not please forgive me. I'm having an issue with the DaDa program installed on two different hosting accounts but the same host, InMotionHosting. File permissions are being randomly changed to 0000 which causes a 500 internal server error. Sometimes it's whole directories (.dada_files, DADA), other times it's a single file (mail.cgi) Resetting the permissions fixes things but I never know when it's going to happen so my emails don't get sent out. Any t ...Continue Reading
October 4th 2017 PST
From: Howdy everyone - long time coming: v10.7.1 has been released! Download and install: Changelog (and below): 10.7.1 This is mostly a bug-fix release for issues found in the v10.7.0 release of Dada Mail. Bugfixes Server Headers sent by Dada Mail not good enough to stop caching of dynamic screens #697 Webpage caching is generally a good ...Continue Reading
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