March 20th 2018 PST
From: > On Mar 20, 2018, at 3:00 PM, Bret Mathews bretmaverick999@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] wrote: > > > From: bretmaverick999@PROTECTED > In the code file dada/DADA/App/, > - Release 7.2.1 sends the emails via: $new_from->address( $self->{ls}->param('list_owner_email') ); > - Release 7.3.0 sends the emails via: $new_from->address( $self->{ls}->param('discussion_pop_email') ); > I could change that line of code in 7.4.1 to how 7.2.1 does it. But si ...Continue Reading
March 20th 2018 PST
I've created a list configured as follows: - Bridge is enabled, - Discussion List is enabled, -, "p.p mode" is enabled (it has to be), - "Replies to messages should" - "be addressed to the sender". Hence any subscriber can send an email to the List Email Address, and Dada will then update the headers on the email and send it to all of the subscribers. When a subscriber receives one of these emails if they click: - the default "Reply" it goes back to the sender of the original ...Continue Reading
March 4th 2018 PST
Has any thought been given to allowing list subscribers to stop following a topic/thread? Let’s say a small group is rambling on about something that doesn’t interest a lot of others. What if a link could be inserted in the message that made Dada Mail not send messages with the same subject (accounting for Re: Re:,…etc.) to people who click that link? Is that possible as a future feature? I’ve had people unsubscribe from a list thinking they are just unsubscribing from a thread. Thanks, Bruce ___________________ ...Continue Reading
February 17th 2018 PST
After deleting and re-installing into the cgi-bin folder (previously it was in a separate folder) all is working now. The install script found my previous config file and all is well now. I have no idea what caused the original problem except that perhaps I did it when canceling a mailing before it completed. Then I changed the short name of the mail list (I had a reason for doing this). *Bill Stokes**cell 217-553-7695 * On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 5:20 PM, Bil ...Continue Reading
February 15th 2018 PST
Yes - Here's what is repeating over and over in the error log:mail.cgi: There's a mailout from a list that doesn't exist (springfieldscene) at /DADA/Mail/ line 2136I'm thinking of deleting that particular mail-list and then rebuilding it to fix the problem. *Bill Stokes**cell 217-553-7695 * On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 4:55 PM, Justin J justin@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] <dadadev@PROTECTED> wrote: From: justin@PROTECTED > From: bill.stokes@PROTECTED > I get the Yikes e ...Continue Reading
February 15th 2018 PST
From: > From: bill.stokes@PROTECTED > I get the Yikes error message when clicking on the Sending, Options link. All other links work just fine. > > Does anyone know of a fix? Any information logged in the error log? That can be viewed via the log view (Plugins/Extensions: View Logs, select, "Error Logs") ...Continue Reading
February 15th 2018 PST
I get the Yikes error message when clicking on the Sending, Options link. All other links work just fine. Does anyone know of a fix? I've got Pro version 10.7.2 installed. *Bill Stokes* * ...Continue Reading
February 5th 2018 PST
From: > From: bob@PROTECTED Thanks so much for the reply. After posting this I did more research and saw the DMARC requirements. What was throwing me was my email client, Thunderbird. It replaces the tag output (from address) with the word "Me" or in some cases, "Bob" and does not show the full from address. I didn't realize this until I opened the same email in web based GMail and saw "bob@PROTECTED". So, it is working. Perhaps something to talk to the Thunderbird developers, about ...Continue Reading
February 5th 2018 PST
Thanks so much for the reply. After posting this I did more research and saw the DMARC requirements. What was throwing me was my email client, Thunderbird. It replaces the tag output (from address) with the word "Me" or in some cases, "Bob" and does not show the full from address. I didn't realize this until I opened the same email in web based GMail and saw "bob@PROTECTED". So, it is working. My only concern will be others experiencing the same thing with their email clients as I di ...Continue Reading
February 5th 2018 PST
Interestingly, the template tags were stripped from my response. Let's try that again... Look for "From: header phrase:". The default (which this list seems to use) is: < ! - - tmpl_var original_from_phrase default="Subscriber" - - > < ! - - tmpl_var - - > [< ! - - tmpl_var list_settings.list_name - - >] NOTE: You will need to remove the extra spaces from the template tags. I had to add them to prevent them from being stripped. Moshe --Moshe Katz-- ...Continue Reading
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