March 24th 2018 PST
From: ...Continue Reading
March 24th 2018 PST
hello, in the email header there is a unsubscribe link and an email address to reply to by subscriber for unsubscribe request. will dada mail develop the function of auto unsubscribe when received an unsubscribe request email? ��־�� ...Continue Reading
March 23rd 2018 PST
From: This is the first time I’ve had an issue in well over a year (I think the first I’ve had with this version), so this is the first time there have been issues. I have to do two separate installations so it’s double the fun to upgrade, and I’m always afraid something might break. I generally try to upgrade when I don’t have any important mailings coming up, which gives me yet another excuse to wait. I would probably upgrade sooner if I could have Dada do it automatically through the dashboard (like Wordpress) ...Continue Reading
March 23rd 2018 PST
From: > On Mar 22, 2018, at 2:25 PM, Mary Ann Kelley maryann@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] wrote: > > Since I switched to pasting the code into the mailing instead of sending a webpage from a URL, it hasn’t disappeared. There were other mailings that were scheduled and none of them disappeared (they were also sending a webpage) and one went out successfully this morning. Honestly - I'd upgrade, see if it helps. Two years is a long time between the version you're using and the latest. What stops peopl ...Continue Reading
March 22nd 2018 PST
From: The only lines in the error log that would be relevant are a continual complaint about accessing the DESTROY field (this error looks like it is logged every time the cron job runs): [Tue Mar 20 22:05:01 2018] mail.cgi: (in cleanup) Can't access 'DESTROY' field in object of class DADA::App::ScheduledTasks at .../dada//DADA/ line 13507. And this, which seems to have occurred when I was sending tests when adding the disappearing mailing, but I can’t tell if it was when it actually disappeared or if it ...Continue Reading
March 22nd 2018 PST
From: > From: maryann@PROTECTED > Now that linked telephone numbers are a thing, will dada be updated to parse those clicks in the clickthrough tracker? Right now they are throwing an error (v9.2): > Given an invalid email to create a redirect from, ‘tel:xxx-xxx-xxxx' - skipping! at /DADA/Mail/ line 2641. I don't believe it does. ...Continue Reading
March 22nd 2018 PST
From: > On Mar 20, 2018, at 8:30 PM, Mary Ann Kelley maryann@PROTECTED [Dada Mail Developers] wrote: > Any idea what in the world could be happening? I’m at a loss and obviously concerned and need to get this fixed. Not sure, but I wouldn't rule out a browsing caching issue showing you stale content, perhaps? The only other thing I'd wager would be a problem with your database, which the error log would complain about, ...Continue Reading
March 21st 2018 PST
Now that linked telephone numbers are a thing, will dada be updated to parse those clicks in the clickthrough tracker? Right now they are throwing an error (v9.2):Given an invalid email to create a redirect from, ‘tel:xxx-xxx-xxxx' - skipping! at /DADA/Mail/ line 2641. Warm regards, Mary Ann ...Continue Reading
March 21st 2018 PST
What seems to be additionally weird behavior is that when I re-add the mailing (which I am adding as “Send a Webpage”), as long as I have the browser window open that I used to add it, it shows up in scheduled mailings in a separate tab. After I close the tab that I used to add the mailing, within a couple of reloads, the mailing is missing again. Not sure if that is coincidence or relevant. I tried re-adding it as a regular mailing (pasting in code) instead of sending a webpage to see if that would make it stick. So ...Continue Reading
March 21st 2018 PST
I have two Dada installations, both running 9.2.0. I know I should upgrade and I have it on my to do list, but they have been working fine for over a year. Suddenly, I have a very strange behavior happening in one of them. I have added a scheduled email to both of them and activated them. I saved them. I checked to be sure they were listed by reloading the scheduled mailings and they were there. The next time I logged in, the one installation listed the mailing as expected. In the other, it was gone. Poof. Not listed. ...Continue Reading
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