September 10th 2005 PST
do we need monospaced at all ? 9px Courier is barely readable and looks *ugly*. Monaco displays fine but is not available on Windows. I do not really care within the dada application but I like the ability inside mailings to send portions of monospced text for listings like (the following 3 lines should display monospaced) pcs itemno. description price 12 2350 catfood 6.00 1 ...Continue Reading
September 10th 2005 PST
Hey guys, There were a couple of things I wanted to review before the stable release, but life & work recently got in the way, in a big way. If anyone else would like to take these few, aesthetic issues on, that would be great. And if not, no worries -- there's nothing here that need delay the final [woohoo!] 2.10.0 release. (A) As of rc1, the CSS font styling for <pre> and <code> elements is: font:9px/14px Monaco,Mono,'Courier New',Courier,monospace IE ...Continue Reading
September 7th 2005 PST
> Version 2.10.0 rc 1 is the latest development release of Dada Mail. > It is not meant for production environments, but please test > out the program. Once again thanks for putting all this effort into this, it is highly appreciated ! Proud to be running rc1.. Again it installed like a breeze and works like a charm.... Alfred ...Continue Reading
September 7th 2005 PST
I'm now only 1 hour and 4 minutes late on this release - getting better, anyways: Testing out 2.10 rc 1 Version 2.10.0 rc 1 is the latest development release of Dada Mail. It is not meant for production environments, but please test out the program. Download Dada Mail version 2.10 rc 1 now (tar.gz format) rc1.tar.gz?download Download Dada Mail version 2.10 rc 1 now (zip format) dow ...Continue Reading
September 7th 2005 PST
Good write up of the 1st (of three) template category in the code_style.pod, thanks Shane. As always, informative and well written. Justin ...Continue Reading
September 6th 2005 PST
guys and gals, Here's some stuff that's been happening on this list: * I noticed the footer wasn't being applied correctly, there was some code changed that had to do with applying the email templates that was recently changed to work with the scheduled mailings plugin better and I introduced a bug. It should be fixed now. * On behalf of our poetry poster, sorry for the OT post, I've unsub'd them from the list. I'm all about crazy conceptual non-sound poetry or whatever, just in... a little more smarter wa ...Continue Reading
September 6th 2005 PST
Sorry, guys, another test.... Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
September 6th 2005 PST
Test... Justin Simoni ...Continue Reading
September 6th 2005 PST
> * I've moved the presentational dots in the header from the > templates to the > CSS. Awesome. > Justin, the only reason this was a "last-minute" change is because > you only > brought the issue to my attention recently. That said, the change is a > "customization extra" rather than something essential, so if it > creates/has > created extra work for you, I will happily revert this change and > leave it > for 2.11. Or you can do the same. Or leave it as- ...Continue Reading
September 5th 2005 PST
I'm done. * I've moved the presentational dots in the header from the templates to the CSS. As already discussed at length: browsers that understand the CSS2 :before and :after pseudo-elements (FF/Moz, Opera) will show them; browsers that don't (IE) will not. This change adds customizability in the long run, at the expense of IE not joining the party. I heard no objections to leaving IE behind with this after asking multiple times, so there should be no surprises in my making this change. Justin, the only reason thi ...Continue Reading
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