January 21st 2006 PST
Hello! I am very glad. I just installed the new version yersteday. The FCKeditor is great! I am having much fun because now I can generate very quickly colorful HTML mail and I also add sometimes paintings I make with Gimp. LOL!!! You made a very good job Justin: Bravo! -- Michael Havlicek ...Continue Reading
January 21st 2006 PST
Hello! I am very glad. I just installed the new version yersteday. The FCKeditor is great! I am having much fun because now I can generate very quickly colorful HTML mail and I also add sometimes paintings I make with Gimp. LOL!!! You made a very good job Justin: Bravo! -- Michael Havlicek ...Continue Reading
January 19th 2006 PST
By the way, 2.10.5 is out! http://mojo.skazat.com/download/ Cheers, -- Justin Simoni .: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email Communication Software url: http://mojo.skazat.com ph: 720.436.7701 aolim: leaddadaist ...Continue Reading
January 18th 2006 PST
Hello Everyone, I took a trip to NYC last week, I didn't really announce it, because I had a Powerbook with me, but since I'm back, I'm going to finish up a new release. Here's what the changelog currently looks like: 2.10.5 Features HTMLArea has been replaced with FCKeditor. HTML WYSIWYG editing is now available for: * Send a List Message -> Advanced * Send a Webpage * Send a LIst Invitation * Archive Editor Bug Fixes * 1396485 2.10.4 - List Screen's archive index table shows wrong links ...Continue Reading
January 5th 2006 PST
> Well, there are others (like me) who are *NOT* interested in the > discussion list features and also bought a pro version some time > ago. I am primarily interested in a reliable message distribution > workhorse. That is what DadaMail always stood for: Write Once > Distribute to Many (appx 8000). Yes - You have an interesting point - Dada Mail has become a different tool for different people. What's important to one person is no importance to another. Some people use Dada Mail as a bloggin ...Continue Reading
January 5th 2006 PST
> The advantage was that I could absolutely easy "grep" out those who > did not get the mailing and repeat or whatever from the new text file. That's a good point - (I think) sometimes mailings fail when one address causes problems. It would be easy enough to keep track of these addresses and let the list owner do something about them. I did good progress on the auto-pickup feature yesterday: If anyone takes a peak at the current bulk_send subroutine in DADA/ Mail/Send.pm, you'll see it's an ...Continue Reading
January 5th 2006 PST
At 18:40 Uhr +0000 04.01.2006, Dada Mail \(Justin Simoni\) wrote: I'm tinkering with making mailouts support a sort of, "auto pickup" feature. .......... If anyone has experience with other programs that have similar features and would like to chime in, or have any comments about the above idea, let me know, Great .... one of my early own efforts to establish something similar was the following: A perl based mailer (using MIME:Lite module) worked down a plain text file line by line, sending ...Continue Reading
January 5th 2006 PST
At 0:20 Uhr +0000 04.01.2006, Michael Havlicek wrote: >I am very interested in DISCUSSION LIST bug free software as I paid >a pro version. Well, there are others (like me) who are *NOT* interested in the discussion list features and also bought a pro version some time ago. I am primarily interested in a reliable message distribution workhorse. That is what DadaMail always stood for: Write Once Distribute to Many (appx 8000). However, I support all features with comments and ideas, that might be interestin ...Continue Reading
January 5th 2006 PST
Hello, I can't fill out the bug because I am not the admin. I registered to sourceforge but I can't fill out the bug and I continously receive error messages. Please could someone fill out this bug for me? In manage list ---> change list information ---> List Description: impossibility to add accented letters in this field. If you do so you get html entities source code. For exemple if your write this in this field ---> List Description: Liste de discussion sur la litt�rature. your get this ---> Liste ...Continue Reading
January 4th 2006 PST
>At 18:00 Uhr +0000 04.01.2006, Alfred Vink wrote: >Add a robots.txt file to the root of your site and in this textfile type: >User-agent: * >Disallow: /cgi-bin/ In addition to this it is important to know: a) the function of the robot.txt file is based on an agreement. Google keeps to the agreement. Some others do. Some other crawlers do not. b) Disallow: /cgi-bin/ means "exclude my /cgi-bin/ directory from indexing". In case your files are in another directory you have to adjust the namin ...Continue Reading
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