February 19th 2006 PST
Also, Just because I was debugging this with someone else, I made some tweaks in the dada_bridge.pl plugin recently so as not to allow a mailing to get sent out if the list email is set to the list owner email. I don't think the public CVS repository is sync'd up yet, but you'll be able to grab it here, soon. http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/mojomail/dada_mail_stable/dada/ plugins/dada_bridge.pl I do plan on making the (first) weekly dev build on Monday, so you'll also be able to grab it there. Also ...Continue Reading
February 19th 2006 PST
"Dada Mail \(Justin Simoni\)" > Is the list owner email set to the same as the, "list email" the list > email is what you set in dada_bridge.pl's admin screen. > > If that's the case, you basically created an infinite loop. It's not > that the messages aren't being cleared from the queue, it's that > every message you send out, is being resent out. > > -- > Justin Simoni I do not know about the other poster, but these are my settings: List Owner: budma ...Continue Reading
February 19th 2006 PST
Is the list owner email set to the same as the, "list email" the list email is what you set in dada_bridge.pl's admin screen. If that's the case, you basically created an infinite loop. It's not that the messages aren't being cleared from the queue, it's that every message you send out, is being resent out. ...Continue Reading
February 19th 2006 PST
I notice that the unsubscribe footer that it adds to the bottom of each mail is going up by increments of one each time the mail sent ... so that by the time I cought it and killed the cron job it had been taked on to message 26 a total of 26 times .... Sample message attached ... ...Continue Reading
February 19th 2006 PST
OK .. the discussion list functionality seems to be up and working .. with a small problem ... The mail sent to the discussion list is being pick up and sent to all the members but it isn't being removewd from the queue .. so when I send a message it sends it every minute on the minute when my chron job (*/usr/bin/perl /home/springde/www/cgi-bin/dada/plugins/dada_bridge.pl >/dev/null 2>&1) runs ... What am I doing wrong?*** ...Continue Reading
February 16th 2006 PST
Hey again, I'm going to start releasing weekly, "builds" of Dada Mail for testing purposes. Too many silly bugs are being released too often in the stable versions and I don't like that. You'll probably see the first dev build on Monday, Cheers, ...Continue Reading
February 16th 2006 PST
Heya, Quick note - the Flash Subscription Form is completely broken - the docs are wrong, the Flash file itself has a bug in it and the XML Dada Mail returns to the swf movie isn't correct. I'll have a fix soon :) ...Continue Reading
February 14th 2006 PST
Yeah, wpoison looks good, except the license isn't compatible with Dada Mail's and you really have to be careful about that kind of things, these days. We had a similar system on the server I'm hosted on, although I forget what it was called. ...Continue Reading
February 14th 2006 PST
On 4 Jan 2006 18:30:20 -0000, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote: > I was also thinking of putting a small honeypot type application in > Dada Mail - so random screens would be generated with valid-in-form, > but invalid-in-real-life emails addresses speckled throughout. Email > spiders would then swallow up these invalid emails and stuff them > into their database. The idea is that if a database contains so many > invalid addresses, it would render the entire list useless. This has already been done... ...Continue Reading
February 13th 2006 PST
Justin, Other factors have an influence too: The number of parameters being passed.. you can sometimes get away with having 1 variable in a query string, although it will take longer for such a page to gain its PR. How long a page has been there. Also, and this a new factor (allegedly), it now depends on how old your incoming links are. H Manfred Lechner wrote: > >> the pagerank for: >> http://mojo.skazat.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/dadadev/ >> is 6/10 >> The PageRank for: >&g ...Continue Reading
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