May 7th 2006 PST
The support boards are back up! I'm not quite sure if any of the old users will work with the upgrade - mine didn't, but let me know what your findings are. I removed a bunch of old posts - posts that were made before this year and old members - anyone that hasn't logged in in the passed few... years. Cheers, ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2006 PST
Hey Everyone, The boards at will be down, as I upgrade the software to something this century - I've gotten a little fed up with all the mindless spam posts. I'll let everyone know when that's back up, Cheers, ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2006 PST
Hey! I just got TLS support in SMTP sending in Dada Mail - took about 5 minutes. Does anyone have on their with list the ability to use either CRAM- MD5 authorization or TLS support? If so, the next alpha out is for you :) Cheers, ...Continue Reading
May 1st 2006 PST
CHET-NUN It sounds like a useful script, Justin. Thank you. Can we have a better link to the documentation. The one you sent did not work. I plan to get a start this week, inshaalah, with accessiblity for Dadamail. I have used Dadamail for only about 6 months now, and have ignored the HTML templates so far. So, I think I'll start playing with the formatting to see what I can do. Any other ideas? Jocah On 1 May 2006 04:12:12 -0000 "Dada Mail \(Justin Simoni\)" wrote: > I'm working on a Dada Mail ...Continue Reading
May 1st 2006 PST
I'm working on a Dada Mail install with 50+ lists, it's an upgrade, so this FAQ is relevant to it: NOTES.pod.html#many_default_email_templates_changed_ Since I'm lazy, I whipped up a script that does what this FAQ says to do, maybe it'll be help to someone, Cheers, ...Continue Reading
April 23rd 2006 PST
Justin, > Saying *all* that, this code isn't even used in Dada Mail - it actually > has it's own email-validity check, which is located in > dada/DADA/App/ and looks sort of like this: Thank you! Helps to know I was looking in the wrong place. > sub check_for_valid_email { That looks much more reasonable. > ...even though is incredibly complex > in how it does, what it does was written by someone much much much > smarter than me and has been peer reviewed by people just as smart as ...Continue Reading
April 22nd 2006 PST
Hello Robin, > Of course you want to focus on adding field support since you've > made a public commitment to do so, but does that mean I have to If you'd like to, that's an option :) > It seems to me that your address validation code is just plain > wrong to be rejecting/trashing valid email addresses, None of the email address validity code is mine - this is marked in the code itself. > You didn't address my concern that the regex expression you're > using for address validation is ind ...Continue Reading
April 22nd 2006 PST
Justin, Congrats on the new release of dada mail. << I think the three examples you've given could be valid statements you could have an a email header, for example, what you'll see in the, "To:", "From:", etc headers, but right now, Dada Mail only saves the, "here@example" address. >> Yes, I know. << At this point, I think it would be a better idea to have the "Real" First name, and "Real" last name in separate fields, as well as having the a ...Continue Reading
April 22nd 2006 PST
dear you people,i have to quit _________________________________________________________________ Bounce Back from sickness and injury today. ...Continue Reading
April 21st 2006 PST
Heya, Just to keep the offer open, I think I have a handle on how to create and merge branches in Dada Mail, so if anyone has a pet project they'd like to work on and would like CVS access to save their work with, I'll be happy to grant that sort of access to anyone with a sound idea. Some ideas would be: * Accessibility enhancements * Translations * Interesting Features Etc, Branches are pretty cool, as you can start with any version as your base and then perhaps inherent any bug fixes created since. ...Continue Reading
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