August 3rd 2006 PST
>Beta 10.9.10 Beta 1??? How long have I been asleep? > > -- Rip VanWinkle Hahaha... you haven't been asleepbut my brain is definitely heading south alot faster than my doctor has let on!!!! ...Continue Reading
August 2nd 2006 PST
Beta 10.9.10 Beta 1??? How long have I been asleep? -- Rip VanWinkle ...Continue Reading
August 2nd 2006 PST
On Aug 2, 2006, at 7:50 PM, Mariano Absatz wrote: ...Continue Reading
August 2nd 2006 PST
On Aug 2, 2006, at 8:45 AM, Al Lawrence wrote: > The "please drop your current sessions" does that mean delete the > table form the SQL database and recreate using the following? > > CREATE TABLE dada_sessions ( > id CHAR(32) NOT NULL, > a_session TEXT NOT NULL > ); Close. Drop the current table and replace it with: CREATE TABLE dada_sessions ( id CHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, a_session TEXT NOT NULL ); This is actually documented ...Continue Reading
August 2nd 2006 PST
If I had to choose, Frans Gouverne's solution seems the most reasonable of the two to me... and you have Frans' code to start with :-)Another nice option but that will probably be a lot more work would be to have some (or most) config options be dynamically copied from one list to another... I don't know if this should be both ways or one way... Let's say I have list LIST1 and I create LIST2, I could be able to:a) copy defaults from LIST1 (as Justin propones and Frans does)b) dynamically link LIST1 settings (except nam ...Continue Reading
August 2nd 2006 PST
I'm totally for *keeping* the pod in... everything Andreas Grau said in his first post makes sense to me... even when you may be too lazy to learn to write pod, learning to read it is quite simple... if you use a perl-aware editor, it will even colorize it as comments. Lynton's idea would be very annoying for those of us using simple text editors to modify if you're editing it remotely, you might have a hard time following a hyperlink in a text-only environment... I don't mind having 2 or 3 t ...Continue Reading
August 2nd 2006 PST
Some clarification please... "SQL backend for sessions We've updated the SQL tables for both MySQL and Postgres - if you're using either of these backends, please drop your current sessions (usually called, dada_sessions) table and create the appropriate new table. Should clear up a lot of problems." The "please drop your current sessions" does that mean delete the table form the SQL database and recreate using the following? CREATE TABLE dada_sessions ( id CHAR(32) NOT NUL ...Continue Reading
July 31st 2006 PST
The newest dev version of Dada Mail is out, the only changes are bug fixes, so if you can, please test it out - direct links: Notes: 2.10.10 List and Dada Mail Root Passwords There's a slight change on how Dada Mail handles how passwords are accepted, when you log into a list. In the past, if the List Password was the same as the Dada Mail Root Password, t ...Continue Reading
July 31st 2006 PST
[...] > Another issue:> > Many, many people are interested in using one list's settings as a > default for a new list - if you're interested in this feature, do you > think:> > * this should be an option when you create a new list? For example, > after you fill out the "Create a New List" form fields dealing with > the list name, list owner, description of the list, etc should there > be a new option that says something like, "User an alr ...Continue Reading
July 30th 2006 PST
I use Westhost. They support Dada with an auto install, or you can install yourself. They don't have any of the limitations you mention. Cronjobs and POP3 are supported.On 31 Jul 2006 02:01:04 -0000, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni)* <dada@PROTECTED> wrote: Quick recently contacted me about wanting to be added to the list of Dada Mail-friendly web hosts, I asked them a few questions, andthey seem like good choices:If anyone else has a good recommendations, please let me know. Here'ssome points that make a ...Continue Reading
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