Dada Mail Developers Archives


Dada Mail 2.10.11 Released

November 30th 2006 PST

Dada Mail 2.10.11 was released yesterday - here's the release announcement: 2.10.11 is basically me tying up the loose ends that were currently in the 2.11 alpha series, and labeling some of the features, "Experimental". There will most likely be a 2.11 alpha 4, alpha 5, etc - so if anyone's confused, that's the FYI ;) Cheers, ...Continue Reading

Dada Mail 2.10.11 to be released Monday

November 26th 2006 PST

Hello everyone, Just a head's up: I'm going to be releasing a new version of Dada Mail on Monday - hopefully. This is not going to be Dada Mail 2.11, but rather, 2.10.11 - this is going to make things very confusing, but please bear with me :) The 2.10.11 release will have everything that the 2.11 alphas had, except that the new features, except the "auto pickup of dropped mailings" feature will be labeled, "experimental". This is partly laziness - I don't really want to go through the ...Continue Reading

Re: Using Bulk::Sendmail on 2.10.11

November 24th 2006 PST

On Nov 24, 2006, at 9:02 PM, davide bergamini wrote: > > > I'm wondering if I can use Bulk::Sendmail on 2.10.11 > even if the latest version is no longer supporting it. > I can enable it writing few lines of code ? Nope. It's been completely removed. -- Justin Simoni .: Dada Mail "Write Once - Distribute Everywhere" Email Communication Software url: aolim: leaddadaist On Nov 24, 2006, at 9:02 PM, davide bergamini wrote: > > > I'm wondering if I can use ...Continue Reading

Using Bulk::Sendmail on 2.10.11

November 24th 2006 PST

I'm wondering if I can use Bulk::Sendmail on 2.10.11 even if the latest version is no longer supporting it. I can enable it writing few lines of code ? Ciao. Davide Bergamini. ...Continue Reading

Re: Clickthrough Tracker RFC

November 19th 2006 PST

Gmail already does this with its links in webmail.  I think it is a good idea.  Just one thought though.  If you have this, you may want it to add javascript to the link so that mouseover on the link shows were the link will take the person to in the end, instead of showing only the dada mail URL. On 17 Nov 2006 06:18:15 -0000, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni)* <dada@PROTECTED> wrote: I've thinking of revising the Clickthrough Tracker in the immediatefuture. I was thinking of replacing the redirect URL's ...Continue Reading

Re: Clickthrough Tracker RFC

November 17th 2006 PST

To track pass-along subscriptions. I send out an email with a great offer, that email gets passed around and more people subscribe to the list as a result. -- // Rob Taylor \\ TD Media // \\ 858.481.9393 -- > >> If you are tracking unsubs per send, it might be interesting to >> track subs as well. That way we could judge the affect of a >> particularly compelling email message in terms of growing the >> list. > > But if the person is already subscribed, why would ...Continue Reading

Re: Clickthrough Tracker RFC

November 17th 2006 PST

> If you are tracking unsubs per send, it might be interesting to > track subs as well. That way we could judge the affect of a > particularly compelling email message in terms of growing the list. But if the person is already subscribed, why would you need to log subscribes-per-email? ...Continue Reading

Re: Clickthrough Tracker RFC

November 17th 2006 PST

If you are tracking unsubs per send, it might be interesting to track subs as well. That way we could judge the affect of a particularly compelling email message in terms of growing the list. Right now we can track the number of subscribers at the time of send and easily view the number of subscribers on the list and get a general idea of growth or shrinkage on the list but it would be great to be able to see the number of subs, unsubs and bounces specifically that contributed to the current list size. -- // Rob Taylo ...Continue Reading

Clickthrough Tracker RFC

November 17th 2006 PST

I've thinking of revising the Clickthrough Tracker in the immediate future. I was thinking of replacing the redirect URL's in the message itself, which currently are hyoooge with something that's a little smaller - something like: '20061116230155' is the message id - that has to stay, but, "1234" would be just a variable passed to Dada Mail to lookup the actual URL to redirect to, instead of encoding the URL in the... URL itse ...Continue Reading

Re: Several issues with alpha 3

November 3rd 2006 PST

>I took a bikeride this morning ;) I'm glad to see you still have yout priorities straight ! >I did note the removal of the variables themselves here: I know RTFM, I'm more of a 'jump in at the deep end' kinda guy ;-) > And append: find_spam_assassin_score_by => > 'looking_for_embedded_headers', I can do that.... >Yeah, moderation actually means to moderate a message now. Weird huh? Ehh, well no, it now makes sense but has a different function altogether... How about creating an ' ...Continue Reading
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