Dada Mail Developers Archives


Mailout Queueing/Serial Sending feature almost complete.

March 21st 2007 PST

Moving right along, I committed the, "Pause a mailout" changes into CVS and it's working pretty well. Handy little feature. Next on my plate is the Mail Queueing feature. This feature sort of fills a needed hole in the whole idea of slowing down your mailings to make sure you comply with the restrictions in the number of emails you can send out in a specific time frame - The problem is your usually batch sending should work just fine in keeping under these restrictions, but what happens if you hav ...Continue Reading

Sending Monitor Update - Pause a mailing

March 20th 2007 PST

I'm about to check in a new feature in the Mailing Monitor - the ability to pause a mailing - A little different than simply killing a mailing, this feature will allow you to stop a mailout in its tracks, but will also let you resume it at any time. Kinda neat. Also, there are currently two branches off the main trunk in CVS - One is called, "dada_mail_2_11-features_branch" and is where new features are being applied (like this one) The other is called, "dada_mail_2_10_14-branch", where ...Continue Reading

Resetting Mailouts?

March 16th 2007 PST

Hey everyone, Has anyone been experiencing mailouts, where the counter actually *resets* itself? So, you *were* on email #2000 or whatever and the next time the sending monitor refreshes, you're back to #5? I have a client where this is happening and can't get a handle on why this is happening - wondering if this problem is at all prevalent, or, if I have a weird case on my hands; Cheers, ...Continue Reading

2.10.13 RC1 Released

March 5th 2007 PST

There's a new Release Candidate for 2.10.13 out - I was going to release 2.10.13 today, but ran out of time, and it's usually a good idea to release an RC anyways. Here are the downloads: tar.gz distro: download zip distro: Amongst other things, I expanded the documentation for the file formats that Dada Mail uses: ...Continue Reading

Re: batch sending optioins oddness

March 2nd 2007 PST

On 01/03/07, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote: > > On Feb 28, 2007, at 8:00 AM, Henry Hughes wrote: > > > > i'm fairly sure older version were a bit more flexible. I used to do X > > messages every X minutes. > > More flexible... mildly - Explained: > > mailing_list_sending.pod.html#why_are_the_batch_settings_so_limited> > note to self.. RTFM ;-) Mailing List Powered by Dada Mail ...Continue Reading

Re: batch sending optioins oddness

February 28th 2007 PST

On Feb 28, 2007, at 8:00 AM, Henry Hughes wrote: > > i'm fairly sure older version were a bit more flexible. I used to do X > messages every X minutes. More flexible... mildly - Explained: ...Continue Reading

batch sending optioins oddness

February 28th 2007 PST

Justin, Within the batch sending options of version 2.10.12, the 2 drop downs: Send: [dropdown] message(s) per batch and then wait: [dropdown] seconds, before the next batch. both the [dropdown]'s are for ranges 1-60 That seems a bit odd, as I often like to give time for my mail queue to clear before I barf a load more messages into it. i'm fairly sure older version were a bit more flexible. I used to do X messages every X minutes. any ideas? H Mailing List Powered by Dada Mail ...Continue Reading

Re: Boards were down, boards are back up - upgraded

February 26th 2007 PST

On Feb 24, 2007, at 9:11 PM, Bruce Kallick wrote: > Oops... it seems there's now a rather big spam problem. Well, there was a rather big spam problem on the old boards. Does anyone want to help out in moderate the postings? Basically all you need to do is weed out blatant spam. Most every board system is susceptible, there are mods to the phpbb system that I've tried to apply, but doing so broke the board, since they aren't compatible with the Postgres backend. It's been quite aggravating, but if anyone wa ...Continue Reading

Re: Boards were down, boards are back up - upgraded

February 25th 2007 PST

So Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote, at 11:37 PM on 2/19/07: > Hey everyone, > > In the continual soap that is the Dada Mail message boards, I'm happy > to let everyone know that I've upgraded to phpBB after the last > boards blew yet another Gasket and destroyed itself. I'm really > really hoping these new boards will have about a million less > problems than the last. Oops... it seems there's now a rather big spam problem. -- curmudgeon Mailing List Powered by Dada Mail http://mojo.skaz ...Continue Reading

Boards were down, boards are back up - upgraded

February 20th 2007 PST

Hey everyone, In the continual soap that is the Dada Mail message boards, I'm happy to let everyone know that I've upgraded to phpBB after the last boards blew yet another Gasket and destroyed itself. I'm really really hoping these new boards will have about a million less problems than the last. Sadly, I couldn't move anything over from the old boards, so if you were using the old ones, please re-register and we should be back on track - board wise. Cheers, ...Continue Reading
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