April 19th 2007 PST
hello all what should I do to reduce server load when using DADA mail also, is it possible to use a DHTML editor to ceate html e-mails through dada mail ? Thanasis ������� ����������������������, ��������� ���������:classicalmusic.gr - � ������� ������� ���� ����������������������� �������� ������ ���������������������� 73 - 184 52 ��������� 210 4949702-3 - Fax 210 4949704���. 6973219917webmaster@PROTECTED Thanasis ChatzitheodoridisFounder of:classicalmusic.gr - c ...Continue Reading
April 19th 2007 PST
Pro Dada Error - Sorry, it doesn't seem that you are allowed to post on Dada Mail Developers This may be because you have to first subscribe to the list to post to the list itself. Please see: for more information. ...Continue Reading
April 18th 2007 PST
Pro Dada Error - Sorry, it doesn't seem that you are allowed to post on Dada Mail Developers This may be because you have to first subscribe to the list to post to the list itself. Please see: for more information. ...Continue Reading
April 13th 2007 PST
On Apr 12, 2007, at 5:16 AM, nixz wrote: ...Continue Reading
April 12th 2007 PST
Not quite true - you can plop the Admin Menu stuff in the outside config file, ala: Cool! I'll have to do that for sure. Another option would be a full-blown installer script, which would be nice, but again, Yet Another Project for Justin :) Along with a,"through the web browser" install, like Joomla has, you can also makea Perlish makefile type deal, using something like this: That's a good idea. I'm sure someone else could make a script pretty fast. I'm sure I could get it to work, but it would take ...Continue Reading
April 12th 2007 PST
But how about putting the email and html messages in the outside config file?This isn't working, you still get the orginal text in the Config.pm file.� #---------------------------------------------------------------------#$UNSUBSCRIBED_MESSAGE ||= <<EOFbunch of text with instructionsEOF;� #---------------------------------------------------------------------#Nick.Op 12-apr-2007, om 0:41 heeft Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) het volgende geschreven:�The Perl libraries need to get changed in the Config file, and all scr ...Continue Reading
April 11th 2007 PST
> The Perl libraries need to get changed in the Config file, and all > scripts, and then all of the scripts need to be enabled on for the > menus, in the config file. Not a simple upgrade that you want to do > every week. Not quite true - you can plop the Admin Menu stuff in the outside config file, ala: [snip] $S_PROGRAM_URL = $PROGRAM_URL; my $PLUGIN_URL = $S_PROGRAM_URL; $PLUGIN_URL =~ s/mail\.cgi$//; $PLUGIN_URL .= 'plugins'; my $EXT_URL = $PLUGIN ...Continue Reading
April 11th 2007 PST
Stressful :)Like I said, simplistic view. ;-) This brings up another point (as if you want more stuff to think about). The main issue with upgrading all of the time, or installing another version of Dada, is that you can't set it up such that everything is stored in the outside config file, so, multiple files, along with any scripts that are being used, need to get touched every time. The Perl libraries need to get changed in the Config file, and all scripts, and then all of the scripts need to be enabled on for the me ...Continue Reading
April 11th 2007 PST
> I often accuse myself of being too simplistic about things (not > ALWAYS a bad thing ...Continue Reading
April 11th 2007 PST
I often accuse myself of being too simplistic about things (not ALWAYS a bad thing ), but wouldn't it be pretty easy to simply add these extra fields to the database NOW, and at least allow that information to be entered, and viewed, through the "Manage Subscribers" -> View and Add sections? I assume it would be just as easy to allow that information to be added in the subscription form as well. Any other fancy features, which I probably don't understand, could be added later, but at least that most basic ...Continue Reading
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