September 16th 2007 PST
Hi Justin, I finally got around to testing last night. Nice job! Along the way, a few questions came up that I didn't find answered in the documentation. 1. It took me a few minutes to figure out that I needed to uncheck the first option on the page that disables the plugin. A mention of that step in the INSTALLATION section would have saved me a bit of searching. 2. I use an external configuration file (.dada_config) and do not see a way to amend the ADMIN_MENU arrayref to include the plugins. I was ...Continue Reading
September 15th 2007 PST
FYI-- Odd thing. I just sent a newsletter on behalf of a paying client out to my list of 22,000+. He got real panicky when he got several replies from his potential customers that said that the email about his function contained a fraud warning. I do not know who these customers are so I cannot learn what email software they are using, but one thing I do know is they are using 'Mail Scanner." They just released a new version that generates a warning when the actual ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2007 PST
I browsed the source in order to look a bit at the queries and see what indexes could be added... I did NOT profile the code AT ALL... On 9/11/07, Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote: > > I was helping a client with a slow Dada Mail and we were thinking > that the SQL table schema could do with an overhaul. Here are the > current optimized schemas - most of the changes have been to manage > the data type a bit more finely. Any one see any problems? Anyone add > any useful indexes? > > (MySQL) > ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2007 PST
Well... FWIW, I did the checks manually (diff'ing the output of 'SELECT' vs. 'SELECT DISTINCT') and it turned out that most duplicates had to do with addresses which had uppercase characters... it seems older versions of dada allowed this, so that, if I got 'El.Baby@PROTECTED' in the database and then tried to insert '' I'd succeed ('cause now the verification process is always done in lowercase)... I simply did the following: UPDATE dada_subscribers SET email=lower(email) WHERE BINARY emai ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2007 PST
On 9/11/07, Henry Hughes wrote: > > Mariano, > > The table that holds the email address can contain more than one list, > that the same email address may be subscribed to: I know that (in fact, I *do* have a couple of lists that have subscribers in common). > > > CREATE TABLE dada_subscribers ( > email_id int4 not null primary key auto_increment, > email text(320), > list varchar(16), > list_type varchar(64), > list_status char(1) > ); > > Therefo ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2007 PST
Mariano, The table that holds the email address can contain more than one list, that the same email address may be subscribed to: CREATE TABLE dada_subscribers ( email_id int4 not null primary key auto_increment, email text(320), list varchar(16), list_type varchar(64), list_status char(1) ); Therefore it is very possible that at first glance you could have duplicates, but check the 'list' field too, as this is the key that differentiates between one list and another. SELECT DISTINCT(`email`) ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2007 PST
The schemas look fine, but what are you changing in terms of content/format? I will need to know if there is breakage in the Joomla bridge and, if so, plan a coordinated release. Thanks, Bruce Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) wrote: I was helping a client with a slow Dada Mail and we were thinking that the SQL table schema could do with an overhaul. Here are the current optimized schemas - most of the changes have been to manage the data type a bit more finely. Any one see any problems? Anyone add any useful indexes? (MySQ ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2007 PST
On 9/10/07, Mariano Absatz wrote: > Thanx a lot Justin... > > I just modified like this (patch attached). > > Tonight I have to send a message to a large list. I'll let you know how it went. Well... the patch had a bug (my own, a classical excess of copy&paste bug)... I attach the correct one. It worked as intended, indeed. ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2007 PST
Hi, I have a very large list (about 5k addresses) and every now I then I find an address that is duplicated... that is, there are two entries for it in the database. The only way to solve this is to erase the address and re-add it (since you can't erase only one). This is possible because the address field is not "unique" in the database (and then, if it were, it could also happen because of different capitalization). I think this shouldn't happen, but maybe the problem happened some time ago with a diffe ...Continue Reading
September 11th 2007 PST
I was helping a client with a slow Dada Mail and we were thinking that the SQL table schema could do with an overhaul. Here are the current optimized schemas - most of the changes have been to manage the data type a bit more finely. Any one see any problems? Anyone add any useful indexes? (MySQL) CREATE TABLE dada_settings ( list varchar(16), setting varchar(64), value text ); CREATE TABLE dada_subscribers ( email_id ...Continue Reading
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