November 28th 2007 PST
Ha. Well, there's a problem with the unsubscription stuff in the new alpha - no matter how much testing I do, something wiggles through. The real problem is I have the alpha running on and emailed an announcement *about* the new alpha and now I have angry people... Anyways, *know* about that problem, if you are thinking of installing the new alpha (I'll release a fix soon). In the meantime, here are the problem files and what to replace them, with: dada/DADA/App/ -> ht ...Continue Reading
November 26th 2007 PST
Hey everyone, I finally got a new alpha out - 2.11 Alpha 8. This development version indeed includes support for arbitrary subscriber fields. Hazzah! A version of Dada Mail with this feature enabled has been vaporware forever, until today, so give it a try and let me know how it works. If you wanna see it, "in the wild", I'm using it for my artsy site at: I like sending things like postcards through the post, so having both my email and snail mail su ...Continue Reading
November 21st 2007 PST
On Nov 20, 2007, at 5:21 PM, Mariano Absatz wrote: > > No wonder my own address is in Justin's examples... I've been > repeatedly unsubscribed from this list from who knows where (I *do* > know I didn't unsubscribe and I *did* get the messages informing me I > was unsubscribed). Yup - this'll basically stop that from happening - even though I'm scoobied as to *why* it's happening. ...Continue Reading
November 21st 2007 PST
And 4 days late in the thread... I'm fine with the proposal that double-opt-out cannot be circumvented, given that it's at the list owner discretion to enable it. No wonder my own address is in Justin's examples... I've been repeatedly unsubscribed from this list from who knows where (I *do* know I didn't unsubscribe and I *did* get the messages informing me I was unsubscribed). Regards. ...Continue Reading
November 16th 2007 PST
On Nov 16, 2007, at 6:31 PM, Rob Taylor wrote: > Thanks for giving us a voice in the development process. Can't wait > to start kicking the tires The more voices, the better. The program is going to get a big boost in popularity and is also going to be used in ways it hasn't before in a really really short time. I'm going to need a whole lot of feedback real soon I'll try to get a release out as soon as I can't find anything show stopping. Right now, I'm still wrangling with dragons. Which is stressful ...Continue Reading
November 16th 2007 PST
That sounds quite reasonable to me. I agree that if you have an option for double opt-out then you certainly should do your best to make sure that it can not be circumvented. For those of us who are more daring... a one click single opt-out. Although a two click process where the first click took the unsub to a form with their email address filled in and a second click was required to actually unsub might help prevent accidental unsubscriptions. For *subscriptions* I would argue that you *require* double opt-in. T ...Continue Reading
November 16th 2007 PST
I'm attempting to stitch together Dada Mail, after it's major surgery to get multiple fields support and two features I've sort of broken beyond belief is the Global Blacklist and the Global List Sending options. The global blacklist is going to be easier to fix, the global list sending has a little bit of a larger problem. How important are these features to people. I can see the Global blacklist being *very* important, I can see Global List Sending being not as important - I kind of snuck it in as a stop ...Continue Reading
November 16th 2007 PST
On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 02:56:01PM -0800, Rob Taylor wrote: > If I understand your analysis correctly, these modifications would > disable a "one click" list unsubscription process. > > I think that this might be a mistake. I concur. > That being said I think the points you make concerning security of > list subscriptions is important. Ideally the modifications you are > talking about would only apply to subscriptions. I don't think there > is as much of a risk with unsubs. Ditto. & ...Continue Reading
November 15th 2007 PST
On Nov 15, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Rob Taylor wrote: > Hi Justin: > > If I understand your analysis correctly, these modifications would > disable a "one click" list unsubscription process. That's what this will do, if you've selected to have double-opt-out unsubscriptions. If you don't want this behaviour - and I can be sympathetic to those that don't, you can just turn double-opt-out confirmation *off*. There's already problems with having this enabled and active even now: If you forward the ...Continue Reading
November 15th 2007 PST
Hi Justin: If I understand your analysis correctly, these modifications would disable a "one click" list unsubscription process. I think that this might be a mistake. I, for one, always use the list_confirm_unsubscription_link in the bottom of my emails. My feeling is that if somebody wants off the list then they should be able to do so without jumping through a lot of hoops. It always seems a little bit odd to me when I see unsub mechanisms that require me to enter my email address before I unsub. I have ...Continue Reading
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