October 15th 2008 PST
On Oct 15, 2008, at 6:55 PM, John Collins wrote: > > Somehow in my first attempt to set up the sql backend I got caught > in a loop where I ending up in the auto install and created a whole > new list. Not a serious problem, I restored from backup and got it > on the second try. One feature for new users is the auto set up > creates the external config file which was good news for me as I had > not previously made one. Additionally, I noticed in there were > additional folders in ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2008 PST
On Oct 14, 2008, at 6:05 PM, John Collins wrote: > > Nope. > Thanks anyway. Any other ideas? > JC Strange - At least for me, both of these techniques: foreach(sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$m_report){ change to: foreach(sort { $b <=> $a } keys %$m_report){ *or* changed to: foreach(reverse sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$m_report){ Shows the most recent mailing list message, first. This is the little test script: #!/usr/bin/perl my $m_report = { 1 => "one", 2 => &qu ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2008 PST
I've been using Dada for quite some time and the clickthru log has gotten quite large, going back a couple of years. I would like it to contain only the emails sent for the last six months. I see a BIG RED BUTTON on the page that seems to warning me not to click it or it will erase my entrire history, so I haven't touched it. Instead I found a file named [listname]-clickthru.log. I thought I was pretty smart so I deleted everything prior to six months ago. But surprise, surprise, doing so didn't change the ou ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2008 PST
Somehow in my first attempt to set up the sql backend I got caught in a loop where I ending up in the auto install and created a whole new list. Not a serious problem, I restored from backup and got it on the second try. One feature for new users is the auto set up creates the external config file which was good news for me as I had not previously made one. Additionally, I noticed in there were additional folders in the same folder as the config file named .archives .backups .lists .logs .templates .tmp In mo ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2008 PST
on 10/15/2008 15:01, Justin J wrote: > Hey everyone, > A few people have let me know they've been subscribed because of > bouncing messages, but everyone says that they couldn't possibly have > been bouncing messages - since they've been receiving them. > So, I did and the bounce log is really generic, an entry from someone > who's bouncing looks like this: > [Tue Oct 7 00:00:03 2008] dadadev add_to_score 4 > user@PROTECTED Simplified-Message-Id: 20081006234502, > Which... t ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2008 PST
Hey everyone, A few people have let me know they've been subscribed because of bouncing messages, but everyone says that they couldn't possibly have been bouncing messages - since they've been receiving them. And I'm scoobied as to why this is all happening, which isn't good :) And this scenario is something I'm sure a lot of people go through, while administrating a list, so we might as well figure out a good way to deal with it. Since I'm sneaky, I thought, "Aha! I'll look at the logs and see if th ...Continue Reading
October 14th 2008 PST
Nope. Thanks anyway. Any other ideas? JC At 7:10 PM -0400 10/14/08, Justin J wrote: >>> >>>Just upgraded to 3.0 Pro and when I tried the hack to reverse the >>>sort order so the top listings were most current, it no longer >>>worked. This used to work: >>>foreach(sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$m_report){ >>>CHANGED TO: >>>foreach(sort { $b <=> $a } keys %$m_report){ >>> >>>Now it does nothing. >>> >>>Does an ...Continue Reading
October 14th 2008 PST
> On Oct 14, 2008, at 4:47 PM, John Collins wrote: > ...Continue Reading
October 14th 2008 PST
Anyone notice that replies to this list go nowhere? Here's the offending code: my $reply_to = Email::Address->new($self->{ls}->param('list_name'), $self->{ls}- >param('discussion_pop_emai')); In, dada/DADA/App/FormatMessages.pm Anyone spot it? ...Continue Reading
October 14th 2008 PST
On Oct 14, 2008, at 4:50 PM, John Collins wrote: > > I just upgraded to 3.0 and would like to convert to the MySql back > end. I have about 19000 users in my list that needed to be > inserted. Is there a way to do this or -- hmmm, maybe I'm about to > answer my own question. Export the list to a text file, activate > the new backend and then import again. Try, http://dadamailproject.com/support/documentation-dada-3_0_0/faq.pod.html#how_do_i_move_from_the_default_backends_to_the_sql_backen ...Continue Reading
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