October 17th 2008 PST
I have a mail list running right now but it is failing to complete. It is the only one running. I have tried pausing and restarting it. It is constantly refreshing the screen every 10 seconds, displaying a screen that just says: "restarting mailing" Then when it returns to the monitoring page it says: "Mailing Automatically Restarting in: 57 seconds" and then it counts down to 0 and then the process repeats and never gets anywhere. It has only send 46 messages in 17 hours. Occasionally I ...Continue Reading
October 17th 2008 PST
I've too spent hours trying to configure a cron job in cpanel, for the mail list application with no luck at all.�On 17 Oct 2008, at 05:09, John Collins wrote:Am I correct in that this is the correct code to run Mystery Girl as a cron job?� I'm on a Mac and set it with the terminal, but it didn't run last night.� (btw--MG runs okay manually)1,16,31,46 1,2,3� * * * /home/mydomainname/www/cgi-bin/dada/plugins/dada_bounce_handler.pl� /dev/null 2>&1 I don't think I have a Cpanel based hosting account. Or at least it doe ...Continue Reading
October 17th 2008 PST
At 11:15 PM -0400 10/15/08, Justin J wrote: >>on 10/15/2008 15:01, Justin J wrote: >>>you meant "un" subscribed, i think :) > > >Yeah - you're right, but wouldn't it be funny if it *was* >subscribing! That truly would be a Dadaist move... > >>I don't have access to my mailLogs here on BlueHost, AFAIK, but >>I'll poke around. > > >What I've done is have pretty much all bounces that have a valid >email and list to be appended to a file. I'll just search t ...Continue Reading
October 17th 2008 PST
Am I correct in that this is the correct code to run Mystery Girl as a cron job? I'm on a Mac and set it with the terminal, but it didn't run last night. (btw--MG runs okay manually) 1,16,31,46 1,2,3 * * * /home/mydomainname/www/cgi-bin/dada/plugins/dada_bounce_handler.pl >/dev/null 2>&1 I don't think I have a Cpanel based hosting account. Or at least it doesn't look like it. (Westhost). I did find a file named curl on the server, but I opened it and it's gibberish. ...Continue Reading
October 16th 2008 PST
At 10:45 PM -0400 10/15/08, Justin J wrote: >On Oct 14, 2008, at 6:05 PM, John Collins wrote: > >> >>Nope. >>Thanks anyway. Any other ideas? >>JC > > > > >Strange - > > >At least for me, both of these techniques: > > foreach(sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$m_report){ > > >change to: > > > foreach(sort { $b <=> $a } keys %$m_report){ > > >*or* changed to: > > foreach(reverse sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$m_report){ & ...Continue Reading
October 16th 2008 PST
I think I've figured it out by looking more closely at the log file. I noticed that both the date and the ID number of the recorded clickthrough were retained. For marketing reasons, I have a page on the main site that contains the Dada archive in an iFrame so viewers can see what kind of emails I send. The archive contains every one I've sent since 2005. Often people who want to be included will view the archive to see sample similar listings or some of their prior listing as a reference. Therefore, the log ...Continue Reading
October 16th 2008 PST
At 10:50 PM -0400 10/15/08, Justin J wrote: >> >>Somehow in my first attempt to set up the sql backend I got caught >>in a loop where I ending up in the auto install and created a whole >>new list. Not a serious problem, I restored from backup and got >>it on the second try. One feature for new users is the auto set up >>creates the external config file which was good news for me as I >>had not previously made one. Additionally, I noticed in there were >>addition ...Continue Reading
October 16th 2008 PST
Hi Justin, This is minor on your list of projects, but a common item of confusion for my new email managers is on the main "Send a List Message" page menu on the left side. The very first entry "Send a List Message" looks like a section title because it is left justified and not bulleted, whereas the other send options are indented and bulleted. (See below for example) It would be clearer if the section had a black title of "Send a List Message" and the ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2008 PST
> on 10/15/2008 15:01, Justin J wrote: >> you meant "un" subscribed, i think :) Yeah - you're right, but wouldn't it be funny if it *was* subscribing! That truly would be a Dadaist move... > I don't have access to my mailLogs here on BlueHost, AFAIK, but I'll > poke around. What I've done is have pretty much all bounces that have a valid email and list to be appended to a file. I'll just search through the file in a bit and see if there's any bounces by some of the addresses that a ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2008 PST
On Oct 15, 2008, at 6:57 PM, John Collins wrote: > > I've been using Dada for quite some time and the clickthru log has > gotten quite large, going back a couple of years. I would like it > to contain only the emails sent for the last six months. > > I see a BIG RED BUTTON on the page that seems to warning me not to > click it or it will erase my entrire history, so I haven't touched it. > > Instead I found a file named -clickthru.log. The file you're looking for should be called, & ...Continue Reading
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