February 26th 2010 PST
Other than the Unicode/UTF-8 stuff, I'm going to make the following changes, unless someone has a Major problem with it, and perhaps, even if someone does (but I'd like to have comments made, before I put out the release) Changes 4.0.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes to Default List Settings ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We've changed a few of the default list settings, hopefully so that everyone has a more pleasant experienc ...Continue Reading
February 24th 2010 PST
Hello everyone, I've finally completely my first try at getting Dada Mail to walk, talk and eat Unicode. This is the first step in the localization project, since we can't very well translate Dada Mail if Dada Mail can't use the translations available. I have to let this project rest for a little bit (and collect my wits - it was a very difficult step!) but any and all feedback is welcome, if you'd like to give this a spin - bug reports/problems of any kind are very much appreciated. This version of Dada Mail s ...Continue Reading
February 22nd 2010 PST
I think that most of the US carriers let anyone send like this. It has worked for all the ones I have tried.I do know that most of the Israeli carriers do not.------------------------------ Moshe KatzKatzNet Computers-- moshe@PROTECTED-- +1(301)867-3732 On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:06 AM, David Leonardi <david.leonardi@PROTECTED> wrote: AFAIK to be able to send emails through that gateway, you MUST be sending the email as the user which signed up for the account on the respective website of each telco.At least ...Continue Reading
February 22nd 2010 PST
In the United States, anyone can send mail through the Email->SMS gateways provided by the phone company.On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 4:07 AM, David Leonardi <david.leonardi@PROTECTED> wrote: AFAIK to be able to send emails through that gateway, you MUST be sending the email as the user which signed up for the account on the respective website of each telco.At least, thats how vodafone handles it in europe. just a heads up. your mileage may vary.On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 4:34 AM, Carl G. Kuczun <ckuczun@PROTECTED& ...Continue Reading
February 22nd 2010 PST
AFAIK to be able to send emails through that gateway, you MUST be sending the email as the user which signed up for the account on the respective website of each telco.At least, thats how vodafone handles it in europe. just a heads up. your mileage may vary.On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 4:34 AM, Carl G. Kuczun <ckuczun@PROTECTED> wrote: I was asked today to see if I could have emails also sent to cell phones as text messages. A perfectly reasonable request since we all live by our cell phones. I know that I can send ...Continue Reading
February 20th 2010 PST
I was asked today to see if I could have emails also sent to cell phones as text messages. A perfectly reasonable request since we all live by our cell phones. I know that I can send an email to my cell phone by appending the cell phone carrier's text messaging email domain to my phone number. For example, if I send an email to the address 18005551212@PROTECTED it will be delivered by Verizon as a text message to the phone. Every carrier has their own text message domain. Here is a partial list: Allte ...Continue Reading
February 20th 2010 PST
I saw some of it when it came through and just read the whole thing from the link. Sorry, my mind was wandering last night when I was thinking about how I'd do it in php if I had to and I sent it through thinking it might be helpful. Looking over the module you described, it looks like a very similar concept, just a different programming language. Justin J wrote: On Feb 20, 2010, at 12:37 PM, John Collins wrote: However, I do have experience with using different languages in php (not the actu ...Continue Reading
February 20th 2010 PST
Ooops, this is to clarify. Changed the word to COMPILED and written to files. These weren't actually sent. I don't know the send through the server times, but will test again tonight when I send out the weekly piece. Additionally, ran another test... Also tried a small file, using 3.04 18kb, small msg html and text 3917 of 28624 messages compiled in: 6 minutes, 26 seconds Average Sending Rate: 36,532 messages/hour 610.87 msgs/minute Same msg using 4.03 1064 of 28649 messages compiled i ...Continue Reading
February 20th 2010 PST
On Feb 20, 2010, at 12:37 PM, John Collins wrote: > However, I do have experience with using different languages in php (not the actual languages, but the mechanics) and it is really pretty simple, but again I don't know how to translate it into perl. You missed the whole spiel I did on getting something similar to this into Dada Mail? http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/archive/dadadev/20100207012503/ What I'm putting into Dada Mail will kick the system you described to the curb. To the curb! :) ...Continue Reading
February 20th 2010 PST
This is just an FYI. (I'm really not trying to beat this to death) For testing purposes, I downgraded from 4.03 to 3.04 this morning. I used the same mail file as was used last Saturday. The following tests, do not represent an actual sending as this message was already sent a week ago. I inserted the code in the config file that causes them to be compiled, but not sent. Sat, Feb 20, 2010 Test Dada v4.03 Message size: 184kb, same msg as last week (both html and plain text) 339 of 28624 me ...Continue Reading
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