May 7th 2011 PST
Are the two links in this message being displayed this way by the click-through tracker on purpose?I am sure I speak for many people when I say that I really don't like email lists where there is no indication of where a link leads to. The click-through tracker probably does not run a virus/malware/phishing scan on a site before hiding its URL, blocking clues that a person might catch to tell them not to go to the site.- Y On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 9:36 PM, lea-ann <lea-ann@PROTECTED> wrote: well, I think I might ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2011 PST
Yes, Dada Mail has profiles that can be self-updated:See Moshe------------------------------Moshe Katz-- moshe@PROTECTED -- +1(301)867-3732 On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 9:36 PM, lea-ann <lea-ann@PROTECTED> wrote: well, I think I might have found an issue with the way I want to use dadamail. Is there an "update profile" screen so someone who is already subscribed can update their info? If it isn't built in, can anyone make sugges ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2011 PST
well, I think I might have found an issue with the way I want to use dadamail. Is there an "update profile" screen so someone who is already subscribed can update their info? If it isn't built in, can anyone make suggestions on how I can build one? Lea-Ann Lea-Ann McGregor Knitting Today 8040 E 500 S Wolcottville, IN 46795 260-351-2260 800-426-5098 ...Continue Reading
May 6th 2011 PST
I'm testing out the new clickthrough tracker and its fancy new moves. If you can, could you try clicking on (or a few - whatever) of the below links? That's all you need to do, to help test :) Yahoo!GooooogleCNNThanks! -- Justin J: Lead Dadaist. url: http://dadamailproject.comemail: justin@PROTECTEDphone: 720.341.4963 Post: mailto:[list_settings.discussion_pop_email] Unsubscribe: List ...Continue Reading
May 5th 2011 PST
Count another instance of people being mysteriously unsubscribed. I just got a call from my client yesterday saying that a couple of her list members were being unsubscribed against their wishes. I hadn't been able to look into it yet, then I received this mail thread. I'll try to get more info and see if I can offer any assistance. Thanks, Rick Sent from my iPhone On May 5, 2011, at 6:46 PM, "Mary Ann" wrote: > > I haven't had this exact problem, but I have had people tell me they were unsubscrib ...Continue Reading
May 5th 2011 PST
Test: ...Continue Reading
May 5th 2011 PST
Hi Justin, I would immediately suspect link prefetching, either by the email client, or more likely a browser plugin (and the user is using Webmail).I know that this very list (dadadev) had a similar problem because it is archived on a publicly accessible site and search engines were following the unsub. links - but since it is double-opt-out, the second step of the opt-out never happened. Moshe------------------------------Moshe Katz-- moshe@PROTECTED-- +1(301)867-3732 On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 7:31 PM, Justin J <ju ...Continue Reading
May 5th 2011 PST
I haven't had this exact problem, but I have had people tell me they were unsubscribed when they didn't want to be. I always assumed that it was due to a forwarded email and the forwardee clicked the unsubscribe link, but I bet it is link prefetching (which I had never heard of until now). I am seriously considering not using the embedded unsubscribe link and instead linking to the unsubscription form, preventing the auto-unsubscribe by just clicking the link. I doubt that helps you, but I'm sort of thinking out loud h ...Continue Reading
May 5th 2011 PST
Hello everyone, I'm getting some troubling reports from various users, who say that they're getting reports from members of their list that unsubscribe from a newsletter, or to be resubscribed, then unsubscribed, etc in a huge loop. The usage log will look a lot like this: [Tue May 3 16:28:33 2011] listshortname Unsubscription Confirmation Sent for listshortname.list [Tue May 3 16:28:33 2011] listshortname Unsubscribed from listshortname.unsub_confirm_lis ...Continue Reading
May 5th 2011 PST
On May 5, 2011, at 1:13 PM, lea-ann wrote: > > Reading through the help files, it looks like there is the possibility > of segmenting out by date subscribed. There is not. If you want, you can look at the tables directly, there's no subscription date saved. On May 5, 2011, at 1:13 PM, lea-ann wrote: > > Reading through the help files, it looks like there is the possibility > of segmenting out by date subscribed. Can someone point me to further > info on how to do that? Thanks! > > ...Continue Reading
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