July 19th 2011 PST
Here's an update on the Amazon SES stuff: It's working! Pretty rough, but it gets the job done. It's going to be (sadly) harder to set up than even SMTP sending, but if you have the need, it should be able to suffice. Lots of room to grow, as well. I'll package up a beta release, soon. A major Amazon SES w/Dada Mail doc has to be written. ...Continue Reading
July 17th 2011 PST
Hello Everyone, I'm working on getting Amazon's Simple Email Service: http://aws.amazon.com/ses/ Integrated into Dada Mail. You can follow along the development here: https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/tree/amazon_ses It's going to be pretty bare-bones to start, until it's proved to be an interesting thing to really spend some time working on (but ultimately, functional). To the uninitiated: "Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is a highly scalable and cost-effective bulk and transactional e ...Continue Reading
July 13th 2011 PST
Hello everyone - I've polished up the work I did between v4.5.1 and when I left and released v4.5.2 of Dada Mail: Download: https://github.com/downloads/justingit/dada-mail/dada-4_5_2.tar.gz unsompress_dada.cgi: https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/raw/v4_5_2_stable-2011_07_12/uncompress_dada.cgi Changelog: http://dadamailproject.com/d/changes_4_x.pod.html#4_5_2 The largest changes are some more enhancements to the tracker, namely, two new graphs, showing messages opens and message clickthroughs over t ...Continue Reading
July 11th 2011 PST
Well, I remember one subproject was tracking bounces based on the actual code returned so we could identify blocks. I'd be happy to be a guinea pig for that one. ;) I'm sorry to hear about the wreck, and after so many miles! That must have been incredibly discouraging. But still, you did something incredible - no permanent damage, I hope. Off to check out the publicity... "Godspeed to all the racers, but I have to confess, I have a favorite now. His name is Justin Simoni. He is taking the long way, through the s ...Continue Reading
July 11th 2011 PST
> Glad to see that you are alive and well; how was the trip? About 130 miles (after completing 2600+ miles of the race) from the finish, I managed to wreck very hard. After the ER visit, I caught a bus back to Denver. On the mend. :) I did have an inspiring ride though. A few articles were/are being written about my race: http://www.wendmag.com/blog/2011/06/17/tour-divide-the-hard-way/ http://kentsbike.blogspot.com/2011/06/long-way.html I won't be riding bikes except to get around town. I can type, so there w ...Continue Reading
July 11th 2011 PST
Thank you. I'm really bad about missing things in the doc files. :( Glad to see that you are alive and well; how was the trip? Warm regards, Mary Ann -----Original Message----- From: Justin J [mailto:justin@PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 5:46 PM To: Dada Mail Developers Subject: [dadadev] RE: bridge plugin On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:29 AM, Mary Ann wrote: > Thanks, Dave. I didn't get an answer so I appreciate this. Since the plugin is working, I thought I had done everything I needed to in order to activat ...Continue Reading
July 11th 2011 PST
On Jun 27, 2011, at 8:03 AM, lea-ann wrote: > Hi, wondered if its possible adding unsubscribe clicks to the tracking > data?? Or is it there somewhere and I can't find it? Lea-Ann Currently, it isn't something that's supported, On Jun 27, 2011, at 8:03 AM, lea-ann wrote: > > Hi, wondered if its possible adding unsubscribe clicks to the tracking > data?? Or is it there somewhere and I can't find it? Lea-Ann > > -- > Lea-Ann McGregor > Knitting Today > 8040 E 500 S > Wolcottville ...Continue Reading
July 11th 2011 PST
On Jun 23, 2011, at 8:29 AM, Mary Ann wrote: > Thanks, Dave. I didn't get an answer so I appreciate this. Since the plugin is working, I thought I had done everything I needed to in order to activate it. That's why I don't understand why it isn't showing up in the menu as an active plugin. You'll most likely want to edit your outside config file (.dada_config) so that it shows Dada Bridge in the left-hand menu, under the, Plugins heading. First, see if the following lines are present in your .dada_config file: ...Continue Reading
June 27th 2011 PST
Hi, wondered if its possible adding unsubscribe clicks to the tracking data?? Or is it there somewhere and I can't find it? Lea-Ann ...Continue Reading
June 23rd 2011 PST
Thanks, Dave. I didn't get an answer so I appreciate this. Since the plugin is working, I thought I had done everything I needed to in order to activate it. That's why I don't understand why it isn't showing up in the menu as an active plugin. I'm using a local config file instead of config.pm, so what would I need to do to add it to the admin menu using that file? Here are the two places it mentions the plugin (everything is listed as undef as it is for all of the plugins): Dada_Bridge => { & ...Continue Reading
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