July 28th 2011 PST
OK. I'll choose one of the workarounds tonight. And I've raised a ticket at https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/172 -- Mariano Absatz - El Babywww.clueless.com.ar Post: mailto:[list_settings.discussion_pop_email] Unsubscribe: https://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/u/dadadev/ List Information: [PROGRAM_URL]/list/[list_settings.list] Archive: [PROGRAM_URL]/archive/[list_settings.list] Developer Info: http://dev.dadamailproject.com ...Continue Reading
July 28th 2011 PST
Hello everyone, I'm just about done with this revision of the installer. The Fancy New Feature is that you can now install most of the plugins/extensions that come with Dada Mail. I've opted to not have some of the plugins/extensions available, just because some of them are a little on the weak side. Here's a screenshot of what you'll see: http://dadamailproject.com/images/4_6_0/new_installer.jpg There's two things I've circled in magenta that are different than the current installer. The first is a new option, ...Continue Reading
July 28th 2011 PST
On Jul 27, 2011, at 8:38 PM, Mariano Absatz - gmail wrote: > I'd like the admin to be able to do that and not have to do it myself. I thought I could configure that in the 'customize feature set' screen but it's either not there or I'm unable to find it. > > I don't have a problem changing something manually in a configuration file (I used to know perl when I was young) or in the database. I think the reasoning that a regular list owner can't change this information - only view it, is because it's shared bet ...Continue Reading
July 28th 2011 PST
On Jul 27, 2011, at 9:11 PM, Mariano Absatz - gmail wrote: > When I sent a message, the actual To: header I got looked like this: > > To: " " > > When I expected something like this: > > To: > > or like this: > > To: " " I really would have expected the same thing you wanted, as well. > Is this a bug? Would it be fixable? If you would, add it to the tracker: http://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/issues And I'll certainly take a look at it. One po ...Continue Reading
July 28th 2011 PST
On Jul 27, 2011, at 8:38 PM, Mariano Absatz - gmail wrote: > I'd like the admin to be able to do that and not have to do it myself. I thought I could configure that in the 'customize feature set' screen but it's either not there or I'm unable to find it. > > I don't have a problem changing something manually in a configuration file (I used to know perl when I was young) or in the database. I think the reasoning that a regular list owner can't change this information - only view it, is because it's shared bet ...Continue Reading
July 27th 2011 PST
Hi,I want to use field template variables in the "To:" header, so I put:<!-- tmpl_var subscriber.first_name --> <!-- tmpl_var subscriber.last_name --> However, since I just imported my addresses from an old (field-less) dada release, most of the addresses don't have values in those fields.I *did* create all the entries in the dada_profile_fields table, but the first_name, last_name fields were null. When I sent a message, the actual To: header I got looked like this:To: "<!-- tmpl_var sub ...Continue Reading
July 27th 2011 PST
Hi Justin,I just upgraded from plain Dada Mail 2.10.15 to Pro Dada 4.5.2 stable. It's a huge improvement... since I only had a couple of announce lists with little trafic I never got to upgrade... as last week I decided I would, I decided I'd go "pro 4 evr" also. I kinda manually re-built my lists configuration, added the (not so new) profile fields and imported the addresses and archives from the old database using mysql.Everything works great. I just have a small question. Is it possible for a plain a ...Continue Reading
July 22nd 2011 PST
I'm working on the Dada Mail installer for a little while - this time, adding support to install the included plugins/extensions. Follow along development here: https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/tree/installer_plugins_enhancement Cheers, ...Continue Reading
July 20th 2011 PST
I've just packaged up work I've been doing for Amazon SES Web Service support in Dada Mail. If you want to play around with it, here's the relevant links: • Installation Instructions http://www.dadamailproject.com/support/documentation-4_6_0-alpha1/install_dada_mail.pod.html • Dada Mail 4.6.0 alpha 1(.tar.gz) http://github.com/downloads/justingit/dada-mail/dada-4_6_0-alpha1.tar.gz • uncompress_dada.cgi script (Save Link/Page As...) https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/raw/v4_6_0_alpha1-2011_07_20/uncompress_dada. ...Continue Reading
July 19th 2011 PST
Another update, It's working and there's a bit of documentation on the little bits to get it to work: https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/blob/amazon_ses/dada/extras/documentation/pod_source/features-amazon_ses_support.pod I'll be doing some live testing with a client to see what some of the problems really are. I'm thinking performance isn't going to be as good as we'd all hope for. Within another revision or two, I'll package this all up as something you can try out with an easy download, ...Continue Reading
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