May 8th 2012 PST
2012/5/8 Justin J <justin@PROTECTED> [...] This is what I tried: Thanks, I managed to get your code working in version 4.1.0 with some small modifications. The bounce handler is parsing the text/rfc822-headers correctly now. Post: mailto:[list_settings.discussion_pop_email] Unsubscribe: List Information: [PROGRAM_URL]/list/[list_settings.list] Archive: [PROGRAM_URL]/archive/[list_s ...Continue Reading
May 8th 2012 PST
OK, I added some of the issues you raised into the issue tracker: and also did some work on getting Dada Mail to generally understand DSN formatted bounces, outside of Amazon SES (as well as fixing those two issues) in this commit: ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2012 PST
On May 7, 2012, at 6:10 PM, Frans Gouverne wrote: > One of the attachments of a bounced message contains: > > Reporting-MTA: dns; > > Original-Recipient: rfc822; > Final-Recipient: LOCAL; > Action: failed > Status: 4.0.0 > Diagnostic-Code: smtp;account is full (quota exceeded) None of the emails I have in the corpus has a, Final-Recipient header, if you want to send over the entire bounce, I'll add it in there. And as Moshe wrote, forking Dada Mail, making some changes ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2012 PST
Frans,You should consider forking Justin's repository on GitHub (, making your changes, and submitting a pull request. AFAIK, that is the easiest way if you want to get these changes incorporated.You could also open a bug there and attavh your changes to the bug for easier tracking. Moshe--Moshe Katz-- moshe@PROTECTED-- +1(301)867-3732 On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 8:11 PM, Frans Gouverne <fransgnl@PROTECTED> wrote: One of the attachments of a bounced message contains:/Reporting ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2012 PST
On May 7, 2012, at 10:35 AM, Frans Gouverne wrote: > To fool the MIME parser, I added the following line in sub parse_bounce: > > #change text/rfc822-headers into message/rfc822 > $message =~ s|Content-Type: text/rfc822-headers|Content-Type: message/rfc822|g; > > eval { $entity = $parser->parse_data($message) }; > [etc] > > seems to be working... This is what I tried: So, instead of hacking the message, I just made it look for t ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2012 PST
One of the attachments of a bounced message contains:/Reporting-MTA: dns; rfc822;<email@PROTECTED> Final-Recipient: LOCAL;<cxu-63m-x6e@PROTECTED>Action: failedStatus: 4.0.0Diagnostic-Code: smtp;account is full (quota exceeded)/The bounce handler takes cxu-63m-x6e@PROTECTED (the Final-Recipient) as the email address which is not correct here: it should be email@PROTECTED (Original-Recipient). It looks like, when LOCAL is involved, the Original-Recipient is more reliabl ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2012 PST
To fool the MIME parser, I added the following line in sub parse_bounce:#change text/rfc822-headers into message/rfc822 $message =~ s|Content-Type: text/rfc822-headers|Content-Type: message/rfc822|g; eval { $entity = $parser->parse_data($message) }; [etc]seems to be working...2012/5/7 Frans Gouverne <fransgnl@PROTECTED> Hi Justin,I have some bounced emails (using Amazon SES) which do use text/rfc822-headers as the Content-Type for th ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2012 PST
Hi Justin,I have some bounced emails (using Amazon SES) which do use text/rfc822-headers as the Content-Type for the attachment. This is not recognized by sub "find_list_in_list_headers" and as a result the list cannot be found. Is there a workaround for this? I tried to modify the test like: if ( $entity->head->mime_type eq 'message/rfc822' | $entity->head->mime_type eq 'text/rfc822-headers' ) but then I get an error on the line: my $list_header = $entity->head-& ...Continue Reading
May 7th 2012 PST
2012/5/6 Justin J <justin@PROTECTED> Can you send over a complete bounce message, headers and all? Here it is, I only changed the email and domain names for privacy reasons. There are 3 parts: the bounced email itself and two attachments:*BOUNCED EMAIL:*Return-path: <> Envelope-to: bounces@PROTECTEDDelivery-date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 15:16:56 +0200Received: from mail by with spam-scanned (Exim 4.60) id 1SN25W-0004RX-Up for bounces@PROTECTED; Wed, 25 Apr 201 ...Continue Reading
May 6th 2012 PST
Hello Everyone, v5.0.3 has been released: Here's the changelog, 5.0.3 ----- Summary 5.0.3 -------------- This release contains primarily bugfixes found in the v5.0.2 release of Dada Mail. Many of the issues fix deal with Discussion Mailing Lists If upgrading from v5.0.0 - v5.0.2, you will not need to create a new config file. Changes 5.0.3 -------------- * Small List, Admin Template Changes The, following meta tag was added to ...Continue Reading
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