February 14th 2013 PST
Hello Justin,I have tested with several addresses and it looks like it works well.I do have one suggestion: Add a note on the confirmation captcha that tells people that it IS case-sensitive. Most of the captchas that I have used recently are not case-sensitive so it took me a minute to realize why this one wasn't taking the "correct" input. I filed two bug reports about non-related issues I found while testing.I also have another bug report, but it's about the Dada Mail web site, not about Dada Mail ...Continue Reading
February 14th 2013 PST
I just unsubscribed and resubscribed to this list and it seems to have worked fine. Warm regards,Mary Ann On Feb 14, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Justin J wrote:I've set up the new confirmation system on the Dada Mail that's on the support site: http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgiIf it moves you, please test it out, by subscribing/unsubscribing from one of the lists. As far as I can tell, everything's working well. I still have a few small things to work out, but I hope to get this all released soon, Pos ...Continue Reading
February 14th 2013 PST
I've set up the new confirmation system on the Dada Mail that's on the support site: http://dadamailproject.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi If it moves you, please test it out, by subscribing/unsubscribing from one of the lists. As far as I can tell, everything's working well. I still have a few small things to work out, but I hope to get this all released soon, ...Continue Reading
February 11th 2013 PST
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Justin J <justin@PROTECTED> wrote: Since all the important stuff about the confirmation is in the table row itself, once we're done confirming whatever it is we need, we can remove the table row, as it's useless, and bang! - the confirmation link is now null-and-void: so clicking on it twice won't do anything. A timestamp is also applied to the table structure, so we can say: after one day - remove the row. We can even use that token to log things with - so not only can we log t ...Continue Reading
February 11th 2013 PST
Hello everyone, I've started work on a long-overdue re-haul of the confirmation link system in Dada Mail. Currently, you'll notice that confirmation links have embedded in them the Mailing List the sub/unsub confirmation is for, the email address the confirmation is for, and then the mysterious, "pin" number, which is used to verify that the confirmation is real. There's a few shortcomings to this system. The big one is that pin number: it's neither random, nor unique - nor does it ever expire. You can ...Continue Reading
January 31st 2013 PST
> That would make sense if it were my email address I was seeing, but it wasn't. It was an address I'd never seen before. Dunno, there's only going to be one way that cookie is going to be set, and that's by logging into a Dada Profile. You could search the logs for that address, see where/when they subscribed, etc, ...Continue Reading
January 31st 2013 PST
That would make sense if it were my email address I was seeing, but it wasn't. It was an address I'd never seen before. Warm regards,Mary Ann On Jan 31, 2013, at 3:05 PM, Justin J wrote:Profiles. If you're logged into your Dada Mail Profile, all sub/unsub forms are already filled in for you. You may enable/disable this in the config: http://dadamailproject.com/support/documentation-6_0_2/features-profiles.pod.html#enable_magic_subscription_forms Post: mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED Unsubscribe » ...Continue Reading
January 31st 2013 PST
On Jan 31, 2013, at 11:20 AM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > I had a person reply to a newsletter mailing asking to unsubscribe. Instead of doing it from the admin dashboard, I clicked the unsubscribe link in the email, which is set to take the person to the form rather than automatically unsubscribe them. Oddly, the email field is not fillable - it's prefilled with an email address that doesn't belong to the person receiving the mailing. Profiles. If you're logged into your Dada Mail Profile, all sub/unsub forms are ...Continue Reading
January 31st 2013 PST
Answering myself here - I deleted the cookie and the problem disappeared. Justin, any idea why a cookie would cause the email address to be hard-coded in the page? Warm regards,Mary Ann On Jan 31, 2013, at 1:21 PM, Mary Ann wrote:I had a person reply to a newsletter mailing asking to unsubscribe. Instead of doing it from the admin dashboard, I clicked the unsubscribe link in the email, which is set to take the person to the form rather than automatically unsubscribe them. Oddly, the email field is not fillable - it's ...Continue Reading
January 31st 2013 PST
I had a person reply to a newsletter mailing asking to unsubscribe. Instead of doing it from the admin dashboard, I clicked the unsubscribe link in the email, which is set to take the person to the form rather than automatically unsubscribe them. Oddly, the email field is not fillable - it's prefilled with an email address that doesn't belong to the person receiving the mailing. I can't highlight it and delete it so the form is useless. This is only in Firefox. The same page in Safari and Chrome works fine. I've cleare ...Continue Reading
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