March 27th 2013 PST
Hi Justin,May I ask a question about VREP sending, how the return emails are recieved? for example, bounce email address is bounce@PROTECTED, accepting email is sales@PROTECTED, so the VREP return path is, but on my server there is no such mail box as, so how to receive this return email? I know that some email provider have a function of an catch all email for a domain, all emails for * can be forwarded to, for example, admin@PROTECTED, but it is n ...Continue Reading
March 26th 2013 PST
On Mar 26, 2013, at 11:35 AM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > They are being sent out instantaneously, which is great since the shared server has a limit of cron jobs of running every 15 minutes. As somewhat an aside, an easy way to get around this, is to just create a new file with the, ".sh" file ending - say, "" and list all the cronjobs for them in there (also put the shebang line, in there) - like this: #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/curl -s --get --data run=1\;passcode=\;verbose=0 --url http://ww ...Continue Reading
March 26th 2013 PST
> You'd first want to fork the repo, > > > > And then merging the email tracking stuff is as easy as, > > git merge features-email_tracking > > Just remember that nothing except master is stable, so there's most likely > issues that need to be dealt with, before it gets released. > -- [[ AJ ]] Well that’s easy enough. Thanks for such a quick response! A.J. > On Mar 25, 2013, at 9:49 AM, AJ wrote: > > > > >> Dun ...Continue Reading
March 26th 2013 PST
I am testing out the new Pipe to Program feature. I love the idea, but on my test list not all of the addresses on the list are getting the emails. I'm checking it on another small list as well to be sure it isn't just a problem with one of my test email addresses. They are being sent out instantaneously, which is great since the shared server has a limit of cron jobs of running every 15 minutes. I have to be sure it's going to send all of the emails out before I can use it. The logs say they are going out, but I' ...Continue Reading
March 26th 2013 PST
I just checked the settings on one of the installs that you did and realized that. I didn't realize it had changed. Thanks. Warm regards,Mary Ann On Mar 26, 2013, at 12:20 PM, Justin J wrote:On Mar 26, 2013, at 10:06 AM, Mary Ann Kelley <maryann@PROTECTED> wrote:Should there be an file in the extensions directory? No. The extension has been superseded by the Mailing Monitor plugin (and has for, for a while) - your cronjob would want to look more like this: /usr/bin/curl -s --get --data r ...Continue Reading
March 26th 2013 PST
On Mar 26, 2013, at 10:06 AM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > Should there be an file in the extensions directory? No. The extension has been superseded by the Mailing Monitor plugin (and has for, for a while) - your cronjob would want to look more like this: /usr/bin/curl -s --get --data run=1\;passcode=\;verbose=0 --url ...Continue Reading
March 26th 2013 PST
Should there be an file in the extensions directory? Because there isn't. And I just upgraded to the latest stable version and it didn't put one there either. What is the cron job supposed to be triggering if there is no file there? Warm regards,Mary Ann On Mar 26, 2013, at 11:26 AM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote:This install lives on a domain where WordPress is installed on the main directory. When the cron job calls, WordPress is throwing a Not Found error. We dealt with this problem with t ...Continue Reading
March 26th 2013 PST
Okay, that error was because I forgot to take the > out at the end of the line. I figured out what is happening but I have no idea how to fix it. When I took the > out, the cron is sending me the HTML from the WordPress 404 page. This install lives on a domain where WordPress is installed on the main directory. When the cron job calls, WordPress is throwing a Not Found error. We dealt with this problem with the password protect directories plugin (Dada was overwriting the change ...Continue Reading
March 26th 2013 PST
Following up - this is the error I'm getting from the cron job:/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `/usr/bin/curl -s --get --data run=1\;passcode=\;verbose=0 --url > 'In addition to that, bridge is sending duplicates of many mailings. Ideas? Warm regards,Mary Ann Post: mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED Unsubscribe » ...Continue Reading
March 26th 2013 PST
I am running Dada bridge and continue to have a problem with mailings getting stuck (and sometimes going stale). The cron job is running but once a mailing gets stuck in the mailer, it won't check messages because there are already the max amount of mailings going out. Shouldn't the autopickup cron command be taking care of preventing mailings from getting stuck? Because it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Here is what I have for the command:/usr/bin/curl -s --get --data run=1\;passcode=\;verbose=0 --url http://www.d ...Continue Reading
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