April 8th 2013 PST
Doh. I've been changing these variables in the plugin files. I just realized that I can change them in the config file. I'm assuming that if I do that, it will override the plugin values and I won't have to update them every time I upgrade (unless I have Dada create a new config file)? I see they have a comma after each line in the config file but a semi-colon in the plugin file. I've been changing the number of mailouts at once and the max size of messages. Would I change it like this:Bridge => { Plugin_Name ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
On Apr 8, 2013, at 4:25 PM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > I upped the mailout_at_once variable to test that theory (it didn't help but did maxout the emails per hour the host allows), but I didn't change Room_For_One_More_Check. Should I set it to 0 (not sure if it's an on/off setting or a "how many more should be checked" setting)? Room_For_One_More_Check is on/off (1/0), MAILOUT_AT_ONCE_LIMIT is your "how many should be checked" setting. Sorry for that confusion, ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
I upped the mailout_at_once variable to test that theory (it didn't help but did maxout the emails per hour the host allows), but I didn't change Room_For_One_More_Check. Should I set it to 0 (not sure if it's an on/off setting or a "how many more should be checked" setting)? Warm regards,Mary Ann On Apr 8, 2013, at 6:07 PM, Justin J wrote:Have you thought about setting the, "Room for one more" pref in Bridge? http://dadamailproject.com/d/bridge.cgi.html#room_for_one_more_checkThat may h ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
On Apr 8, 2013, at 3:55 PM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > What's weird is that 98% of the mailings complete just fine. I hoped that upgrading to 6.2 and fixing all of the cron jobs would fix the problem, but it seems to be the same issue as before. The cron job is firing just fine, but a message gets stuck in the mailer and until it is manually cleared it blocks up other mailings and everything is stuck in a bottleneck. Have you thought about setting the, "Room for one more" pref in Bridge? http://dadamail ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
On Apr 8, 2013, at 4:32 PM, Justin J wrote:Mary, what version of Dada Mail, are you using? 6.2.1 Stable (3/19/13)Missing files can cause a mailing to not send. Sometimes, there's a red herring, where, when a mass mailing is finished, these files are removed, but aren't removed completely, so these errors also show up. It's a hard race condition to get right. These sorts of problems are really notoriously hard to debug, unfortunately. Is that directory: sendout-LISTNAME-list-20130407180001.85834624_at_xx ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
On Apr 8, 2013, at 2:23 PM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > Here is the Dada error log for the same time period (the mailing was approved in moderation right after the first entry): Mary, what version of Dada Mail, are you using? Missing files can cause a mailing to not send. Sometimes, there's a red herring, where, when a mass mailing is finished, these files are removed, but aren't removed completely, so these errors also show up. It's a hard race condition to get right. These sorts of problems are really notoriousl ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
Here is the Dada error log for the same time period (the mailing was approved in moderation right after the first entry):[Sun Apr 7 17:52:15 2013] bridge.cgi: bridge.cgi rejecting sending of received message - From: zabbey@PROTECTED Subject: Level Rep Monthly Meeting Message-ID: <COL125-W11DCF92231925D49519C1BC2C40@PROTECTED> Reasons: needs_moderation, at /public_html/cgi-bin/dada/plugins/bridge.cgi line 3050.[Sun Apr 7 18:00:02 2013] mailing_monitor.cgi: The file, '/.dada_files/.tmp/sendout-LI ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
An update on this issue now that I've been monitoring the cron job. Lost a mailing yesterday and here was the cron message that was logged:<pre>Total Mass Mailings: 1, Active Mass Mailings: 0, Paused Mass Mailings: 1, Queued Mass Mailings: 0, Inactive Mass Mailings: 0List: xxx mailout: 20130407180001.85834624_at_xxx.com type: list Status: * controlling_pid * Subject: [<!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_name -->] Level ...Continue Reading
April 5th 2013 PST
On Apr 5, 2013, at 2:24 PM, AJ wrote: > In the process of working the profile field validation, a way to turn profile fields into a drop down boxes showed up. The only thing to do for this is add the javascript to the bottom of the list template, the admin template, and create a text file somewhere in the following format: By all means, post it to the list! If you get really interested, one idea would be to fork DadaMail on github, and publish your changes there, ...Continue Reading
April 5th 2013 PST
In the process of working the profile field validation, a way to turn profile fields into a drop down boxes showed up. The only thing to do for this is add the javascript to the bottom of the list template, the admin template, and create a text file somewhere in the following format:profilefieldname:label:valueprofilefieldname:label:valueprofilefieldname:label:value if anyone is interested I can send them the javascript to play with. Post: mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED Unsubscribe » ...Continue Reading
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