April 24th 2013 PST
I was just trying to find a member by entering their last name (one of my subscriber fields) and the search appears to only search the email address. Didn't the search previously find hits among the subscriber fields, too? Most of the time I search on name, not email address. Wouldn't it be good to be able to search on anything being tracked, not just on email address? Carl K. ...Continue Reading
April 24th 2013 PST
Just pushed a commit that speeds up that first table of data in the Tracker by about 5x. Hurrah! https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/commit/6078164c5c59255c24b8ddf75d5d3c763d4e9ad4 It does this, by replacing about 6 SQL queries with 1, and by some magic, the 1 query is as fast as any of the 6 previous. I'll have this in v6.3.2 ...Continue Reading
April 22nd 2013 PST
Hey everyone, Just letting everyone know I'm back from Arizona - had to stop racing after only one day, due to what was probably food poisoning and some intense dehydration. It'll make a good story. ...Continue Reading
April 16th 2013 PST
Hello Everyone, v6.3.1 of Dada Mail has been released, it's a small bug fix release Dada Mail 6.3.1 Stable (.tar.gz) http://dadamail.googlecode.com/files/dada-6_3_1.tar.gz Installation Instructions http://dadamailproject.com/support/documentation-6_3_1/install_dada_mail.pod.html uncompress_dada.cgi script (Save Link/Page As...) https://raw.github.com/justingit/dada-mail/v6_3_1-stable_2013_04_15/uncompress_dada.cgi Changelog: This release fixes bugs found in the v6.3.0 version of Dada Mail. It's a suggested ...Continue Reading
April 14th 2013 PST
Hello everyone, just another reminder I'll be out of touch of the rest of world ;) while riding across Arizona from 4/17/13 to the beginning of May - if you need any install/upgrades, please get in touch ASAP, before Wed. and I'll do my best to get that completed, for you. I won't have Internet, or cell service while en-route. You *will* be able to follow me via the magic of GPS Satellites at this address: http://trackleaders.com/aztr13i.php?name=Justin_Simoni Starting Friday, April 19th, when the race begins. This ...Continue Reading
April 9th 2013 PST
Hello Everyone, v6.3.0 of Dada Mail is now released: Installation Instructions http://dadamailproject.com/support/documentation-6_3_0/install_dada_mail.pod.html Dada Mail 6.3.0 Stable (.tar.gz) http://dadamail.googlecode.com/files/dada-6_3_0.tar.gz uncompress_dada.cgi script (Save Link/Page As…) https://raw.github.com/justingit/dada-mail/v6_3_0-stable_2013_04_08/uncompress_dada.cgi Changelog: Summary 6.3.0 -------------- v6.3.0 of Dada Mail comes with enhancements to Dada Mail's Amazon SES sending support ...Continue Reading
April 9th 2013 PST
> By all means, post it to the list! > > If you get really interested, one idea would be to fork DadaMail on github, > and publish your changes there, > > - I just saw this. Well, right now I am working on ways to achieve some desired functionality without changing the core code. Obviously, changing the core code is the proper way but, given time and resources, I figured I would go this route. I have attached the javascript as a txt file and a sample data file with a profile field I added named ' ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
Okay, thanks. It was set at 1 and it wasn't helping any with the issue of the mailing pausing. I'm at a loss as to how to fix that. Any other ideas that don't involve manually checking the queue every couple of hours? Warm regards,Mary Ann MARY ANN KELLEY* / TheHomeSchoolMomemail:* maryann@PROTECTED On Apr 8, 2013, at 7:07 PM, Justin J wrote:So, in your case, since you have, "Room_For_One_More_Check" set to, 0, "MessagesAtOnce" won't even be looked at. The idea behi ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
On Apr 8, 2013, at 4:39 PM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > Doh. I've been changing these variables in the plugin files. I just realized that I can change them in the config file. I'm assuming that if I do that, it will override the plugin values and I won't have to update them every time I upgrade (unless I have Dada create a new config file)? You are correct. And if you are upgrading to the forthcoming v6.3.0 stable release, there will be no need to create a new config file (unless you want SES sending) > I see t ...Continue Reading
April 8th 2013 PST
Is there any difference in the end result between these two settings:[*]Set MAILOUT_AT_ONCE_LIMIT to 2 and Room_For_One_More_Check to 1 [*]Set MAILOUT_AT_ONCE_LIMIT to 1 and Room_For_One_More_Check to 0 Warm regards,Mary AnnOn Apr 8, 2013, at 6:32 PM, Justin J wrote:Room_For_One_More_Check is on/off (1/0), MAILOUT_AT_ONCE_LIMIT is your "how many should be checked" setting. Sorry for that confusion, Post: mailto:dadadev@PROTECTED Unsubscribe » ...Continue Reading
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