October 16th 2013 PST
Well, a symlink is basically the unix version of a windows shortcut. It sounded like you may have been able to keep with a single WP install by linking the protected directory into your original WP install. Now I don’t have a whole lot of experience with WP so I am not 100% sure where the folder would go. In drupal it would be something like sites/default/files so I am going to guess with WP. For example:DaDa protect: <shared home dir>/public_html/protected_files WP install: <shared ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2013 PST
Um, no. I have no idea what a SymLink is. I'm really just lurking on this list with the occasional comment/question as I am not a developer in any sense of the word. I know just enough hacks to get myself into trouble, to be honest. There is only one private folder (it does have subfolders for downloads) and I just put the second WP install in that directory. The entire install directory is protected and is fed via iframe (I tried to find a more elegant solution but nothing worked and I had to limit the ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2013 PST
Mary Anne, My bad. Less than a second after I hit ‘Send’ it dawned on me you might be using DaDa profiles and the account sync back to wordpress would be annoying. Putting the protected directory into the wordpress folder is a hell of a lot easier than hacking one of the Basic Auth plugins or messing with mod_auth_sql ugliness. One other question, did you try putting all the private file folders under a common directory and sym-linking it into the wordpress directory. Then there may not have been a need ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2013 PST
Hi AJ,I needed the private area to line up with the list subscribers, so if I used WP to manage the content with its authentication, the team members would have had to create yet another profile and login to let the CMS manage the list. They already need the Dada profile to read the message archives, so it was a perfect fit except for WP not liking password protected directories. Untitled Document Warm regards, Mary Ann On Oct 15, 2013, at 3:33 PM, AJ Fasano wrote:Is there a reason you continued to use DaDa Mai ...Continue Reading
October 15th 2013 PST
> An integration with Wordpress would be phenomenal. >>Someone pony up the funds to comission this! This is a Very Difficult Feature that would take Quite a Bit of Time, I can't commit to doing the dev. on the promise of future Pro Dada sales, I just noticed this thread. First the private mailing list functionality would be nice. But I would not call is 'Private'. I would call it a 'Transactional and Relationship' mailing list, making it clear that use of such a list must conform to the specific section ...Continue Reading
October 12th 2013 PST
Download and Install: http://dadamailproject.com/support/documentation-6_7_1/install_dada_mail.pod.html Changelog: http://dadamailproject.com/support/documentation-6_7_1/install_dada_mail.pod.html Summary 6.7.1 This release is primarily a bugfix release. Bugfixes 6.7.1 "Unsubscriptions" option" " If an unsubscription is successful, redirect to this URL: " does not work https://github.com/justingit/dada-mail/issues/405 Dada permits illegal email addresses to be added like "user@m ...Continue Reading
October 9th 2013 PST
On Oct 9, 2013, at 2:28 PM, Mary Ann Kelley wrote: > An integration with Wordpress would be phenomenal. Someone pony up the funds to comission this! This is a Very Difficult Feature that would take Quite a Bit of Time, I can't commit to doing the dev. on the promise of future Pro Dada sales, ...Continue Reading
October 9th 2013 PST
On Oct 9, 2013, at 2:13 PM, Dave Lochner wrote: > An unsubscribe link that sent an email to the list owner instead of an automatic unsubscribe. It could be a form that asks for an explanation. This would allow the list owner to determine the reason for the unsubscribe and also to catch unsubscribe requests that were sent in error. Not a bad idea for private lists, > A link in the email to the subscriber's profile with the ability to edit the profile, including email addresses. That should be in there (by de ...Continue Reading
October 9th 2013 PST
I know it is probably beyond the scope of the project, but I'll throw it out there anyway. An integration with Wordpress would be phenomenal. Our team website is Wordpress and has a private member area. I had to go through all kinds of workarounds to get the dada protect directory to protect a directory in a WP install. It was a nightmare that ended up with hacking the dada code (you've since updated it so that Dada adds to but doesn't overwrite the current .htaccess file) and creating a second Wordpress install i ...Continue Reading
October 9th 2013 PST
Justin,I have been using Dada mail for a private email list since version 3.x. Other than the time that the mass uploading of addresses was disabled, it has worked well.Things I would like:An unsubscribe link that sent an email to the list owner instead of an automatic unsubscribe. It could be a form that asks for an explanation. This would allow the list owner to determine the reason for the unsubscribe and also to catch unsubscribe requests that were sent in error.A link in the email to the subscriber's profile with ...Continue Reading
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