December 17th 2013 PST
It's more the interface, than the functionality, that I struggle with. To change the size of a picture, you need to right-click and go to the properties and specify your best guess for a new width and height. It doesn't maintain the aspect ratio when one dimension is changed. If the image had handles in the corners, it would be much more intuitive. Sometimes, after my text is all entered, it says I don't have permission to browse the server's images, or to upload new images, even though I am the administrator. I ...Continue Reading
December 17th 2013 PST
If you want to try out TinyMCE, here's a demo: The, Insert Image button is on the far right of the toolbar - looks like a mountain/sun. It's pretty standard stuff - doesn't really stray too far off from what TinyMCE had in 3.x or CKeditor has now. The file manager that pops up is called, "MoxieManager" - It has a non-free license, so it's not something I'm going to support, for the time being. Pretty nice, though. ...Continue Reading
December 17th 2013 PST
> The ckeditor is pretty much limited to just changing the size, border and > justification. What else were you looking to do? ...Continue Reading
December 16th 2013 PST
Hi Justin, Can you describe what kinds of picture handling capabilities Tiny MCE has? The ckeditor is pretty much limited to just changing the size, border and justification. I can't even get the image handles to respond and the image upload process is awkward. I don't want a full desktop publisher, but a more standard image handler would be welcome. Carl K ----- Original Message ----- From: "Justin J" To: "Dada Mail Developers" Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 9:59 PM Subject: [dadadev] Tin ...Continue Reading
December 16th 2013 PST
Hello everyone, I was playing around with getting the new FileManager working on all the supported WYSIWYG editors, but TinyMCE just wasn't wanting to play along. Noticed that there's a fancy new version out of Tiny MCE, and it seems pretty easy to implement in Dada Mail, so here I am, doing just that! All these different editors have their strengths and weaknesses - I didn't know if there's anything in TinyMCE 4 you'd hope/expect to see, when integrated in Dada Mail: plugins or abilities enabled by default - but d ...Continue Reading
December 14th 2013 PST
Hello, Dada Mail 6.8.0 Beta 1 has been released. Download and Install: Changelog: 6.8.0 Beta 1 Features Core5 Labs FileManager Support ------------------------------ Dada Mail now supports the Core5 FileManager, along with KCFinder. More information on FileManager: WYSIWYG Editors and File Browsers in Dada Mail: ...Continue Reading
December 10th 2013 PST
Looking at the bullet points, here's how DM deals with things: > · A prominent link in the body of an email leading users to a page confirming his or her unsubscription (no input from the user, other than confirmation, should be required). This is probably going to be the unsubscribe link, > · By replying to your email with an unsubscribe request. DM doesn't have this ability - it's not impossible to do, but it's just not implemented. My personal TODO list is long (an ...Continue Reading
December 10th 2013 PST
Untitled Document Hello list/Justin I have problems for mails coming on spamlist (specally mailaddresses). Now I see these are Google rules: · A prominent link in the body of an email leading users to a page confirming his or her unsubscription (no input from the user, other than confirmation, should be required). · By replyin ...Continue Reading
December 5th 2013 PST
Hello everyone - I've been working on a few different features in Dada Mail - I'll release a beta, when there's something to really show. For now, you can check out the following branches: Feature: Private Mailing Lists This branch has the long-awaited, "Private Mailing Lists" feature. In a nutshell, "Private Lists" are going to be nothing but lists that do not need the unsubscription link present, and "Unsubscripti ...Continue Reading
November 8th 2013 PST
Hello Everyone, v6.7.2 has been released. Download and Install: Changelog: Summary 6.7.2 This release is primarily a bugfix release. This release also brings back the option to enable/disable tracking clickthroughs for email address links (mailt:someone@PROTECTED), which was added in v6.3.0, and then mysteriously disappeared. The default is to disable clickthrough tracking for these types of links. Bugfixes 6.7.2 "Send a M ...Continue Reading
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